Chapter 9: Trouble Pt. 1

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I knew you were trouble when you walked in! So shame on me now!!


A few days after announcing they were together, Alex and Thomas had felt more comfortable with showing their affection in public. A lot of the students didn't really care, though they were a little shocked. A certain professor was happy for the new couple.

"Son! Mr. Jefferson! A little French birdie told me that you two have gotten together," beamed none other than Professor Washington.

"I'm not your son," Alex mumbled as he blushed.

"Lafayette already got to you, huh?" Thomas asked taking Alex's hand in his.

"Yes he did. I would like to say congratulations," Washington smiled at the two boys. He then glared at Thomas intimidatingly. "But Thomas, I swear, if you do anything to my son, you'll have to answer to me, got it?"

Thomas gulped and nodded, stammering, "Y-yes, sir."

George smiled and pat Thomas' shoulder. "You're a good kid for Alexander."

"Thank you, sir," Thomas blushed again.

"Can we sit down now?" Alexander peeped out and George chuckled.

"Of course."


Why did he choose him? Thomas Jefferson? Really? Alexander told everyone he hated him! There was proof that they hated each other! What happened to the Alexander and Jefferson that used to fight and bicker and argue? What is this new lovey dovey, cutesy wootsy version of these boys? Whatever this version was, it had to go. Jefferson was not meant to be with his Alexander.

Was he not good enough for Alexander? He'd known Alexander since the first day He purposely chose the same classes, followed his major, made the same friends as him, he even stayed close enough to be best friends.

He had lasted through the one semester he had dated that Burr roommate he had the first semester. It was a hard semester for him, silently watching the two of them flirt and kiss, keeping his jealousy at bay. He had to admit that it was cute for the first few days. Then it got to him and he couldn't bear to watch them anymore.

He had it hard for Alexander. He had to get him back somehow, but the question


Thomas and Alexander were sitting in their dorm petting their growing dog, Macaroni, who was laying between them. The two boys were stealing kisses every once in awhile and overall just enjoying each other's company.

There was a sudden loud knock on their door and a yelling of, "Housing! It's an emergency! Open up!"

Thomas and Alex looked at each other worriedly. They moved quickly to hide the dog and any signs of a dog. Alex opened the door with a smile, which quickly turned into a frown when he saw an angry Charles Lee and a smirking Samuel Seabury.

"Hello, Charles, Seabury, what brings you guys to our humble abode?" Alex asked.

"It has come to my attention that you have not been following the rules of living on campus," Lee replied barging in the room.

"What do you mean?" Thomas asked confused. "You literally just inspected the room a week and a half ago."

"Samuel here claims to have seen a dog in your room and I'm just looking around again. Is that a problem, Jefferson?" he practically spat his name, and Alexander growled.

However, Thomas just smirked it off. "It's not a problem at all, look around."

Charles glared at him for a second before roaming around, this time examining things more closely. While Lee was looking around, Seabury was just standing there smirking. Alexander wanted to punch that smirk off of his face, Thomas could tell.

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