Chapter 14: Travelling...?

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...idk what to put here, enjoy!


“Tommy, have you seen my wallet?” Alex asked confusedly looking around.

“Did you check your suitcase?” Thomas looked back at his boyfriend as he packed his last jacket.

“Yeah, it’s not in there.”

“The drawer in your nightstand?”

“Yeah, s’not there either.”

“Under your pillow?”


“Under the bed?”


“In your back pocket?”

“Don’t know...why don’t you come over here and check,” Alex smirked flirtily.

“Oh, very clever,” Thomas giggled and walked over to Alexander placing a soft, quick kiss on his lips. He squeezed Alex’s butt, erupting a little giggle from the shorter man. “There will be plenty of time for flirting in France.”

“But I wanna flirt with you now,” Alex pouted.

Thomas laughed and scooped him in a hug, his hands close to his butt. “I know, I’m just too perfect that you can’t resist flirting with me.”

“Narcissist,” Alex mumbled before he leaned up for a kiss.

Thomas met him halfway, loving lips touched his. They loved each other’s kisses, they loved each other in general. When Alex released, his phone was ringing.

Thomas grabbed the phone for him. Alex smiled at him before he answered, “Hello, Alexander Hamilton speaking.”

“Yes, hello, Alexander, this is George King calling about your application for an internship at the law firm?” a voice sounded over the phone.

“Oh, hello, Mr. King,” Alex smiled. “Thank you for getting back to me.”

“Of course, Mr. Hamilton. I am calling because I am willing to take you under my wing as an intern, that is, if you’re free for this summer,” George offered. “This is a one time opportunity, so if you say no to this, I won’t give you a second chance.”

“Oh my gosh! I would…” Alex hesitated and looked up at Thomas.

“It’s okay...we can always go to France next summer,” Thomas replied. “I want you to experience an internship.”

“You can just go without me,” Alex offered. “I mean, you’ve been excited about this for months, I shouldn’t stop you from going.”

“I don’t want to go without you. I wanted to show you so many things,” Thomas complained.

“Then I won’t do the internship,” Alex replied.

“No, you should do it. Like he said, an opportunity like this won’t be easy to come across again.”

Alex frowned. “But I want you to go enjoy France. You love travelling so much, I’d hate to stop you from doing what you love.”

“...Will you be okay here by yourself?” Thomas asked concerned.

“Yeah! Besides, I know you’ll Skype me every day, so I’ll practically be there with you.” Alex placed a hand on Thomas’ cheek. “I’ll take the internship if you promise to still go to France.”

“Fine, I’ll still go to France.”

“Is that a yes, Mr. Hamilton? I need your answer now,” George said.

“Are you sure?” Alex looked at Thomas.

“Go for it,” Thomas smiled.

“Okay, I would love to be your intern, Mr. King,” Alex answered.

“Excellent, though, I will be assigning someone else to take care of you, I hope you don’t mind, I am a very busy person with a very important job,” George replied. “Anyway, you will be starting on May 15th, alright?”

“That’s perfect. Thank you so much!” Alexander smiled.

The phone cut off and Thomas smiled at Alex. “Congratulations, Lexy. I never doubted you.”

“Thanks, babe,” Alexander looked up at Thomas. After planting a small kiss on Thomas’ lips, he continued, “You finished packing?”

“Just about. We should get to the airport. Could you get Jemmy please?” Thomas requested.

“Why’s James coming?” Alex asked confused.

“Cuz you don’t know how to drive and I don’t want you driving back here cuz you might hurt yourself.”

“Aww, you do care,” Alex laughed and kissed Thomas again before texting James.

To James: hey, can u come 2 the airport with us? plz

To Alex: y

To James: i’ll explain everything on the way.

To Alex: k, i’ll b ready in a sec.

To James: thx Jemmy!

To Alex: dont call me that.

“He said he’ll be ready in a second,” Alex informed Thomas.

“Great, I’m gonna pack these in the car,” Thomas replied. “I’ll be back, love.”

“You’re forgetting your keys, hun,” Alexander grabbed the keys for Thomas.

“Oh, thanks. You can put them in my pocket.”

Alex dropped the keys in his jacket pocket and quickly placed a little kiss on his cheek. “I love you.”

“I love you too,” Thomas replied, kissing his forehead.

“You two are so perfect together,” James laughed while walking toward them.

“Jemmy!” Thomas cheered and instantly James groaned.

“Seriously, stop calling me that. Why do you want me to come with you?”

“Tommy here doesn’t trust my driving skills, so we need you to drive me home,” Alex explained.

“I thought you both were going to France?”

“Lexy’s gotten himself an internship for over the summer,” Thomas explained. “We gotta go, we’ll explain more on the way.”


(825 words)

Sorry for being a day late with this. I was pretty busy all day yesterday. Anyway, it's here! An actual chapter that adds to the plot! I hope you enjoyed this, you know what to do if you did. Thank you guys for over 300 reads! I'll see you guys on Monday! Love you, see ya!

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