Chapter 20: The Final Result

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By the time Thomas had arrived at their room, Alexander was finally calming down a little. Aaron looked up at the emotionless Thomas Jefferson and instantly left the room with James. It was dead silent for the first moments. Thomas didn't even bother unpacking yet.

After about an hour of silence, Thomas stated in a low, serious voice, "Start from the beginning and if you dare lie to me..."

Alexander looked into Thomas' cold, dark eyes, which were usually loving and caring. He sniffled before he started his story.

"It started about three weeks after I started the internship. In fact, it was the same night I had Skyped you because you hadn't Skyped me that night. My fr...John Laurens walked in begging me to take a break and...he thought it was a good idea to kiss me...I pushed him off immediately and yelled at him. I could tell he was going to try and take it further, so that's the real reason I called you that night. Um...this kept going on every night. John would come into my room and try to seduce me, but every time I would say no. I-"

"Did you tell anybody about what Laurens was doing?"

"No, at the time, I didn't want to jeopardize our friendship, which I realize was really stupid of me. Interning was getting tougher. Reynolds was being harder on me each and every day. Summer classes were also stressing me out, taking almost all of the hours of my day. Our Skype always asked if I had remembered to eat something...I would always say I did, but...I didn't. There wasn't enough time in the day. I'd have little snacks and coffees, but no full meals. I would also pull all-nighters almost every other night. So, I was hungry, tired, and overworked. Also, I was annoyed by Laurens coming by every night. Um...a couple days ago, I was late for my internship and James gave me triple the amount of work I was supposed to have. With exams coming up, I was studying every hour. I was way too stressed. I wasn't eating, I wasn't sleeping, I was weak. That one night...Laurens knocked on my door, begging to come in. I snapped at him in frustration. I was done with his bulls**t. He ran to his room crying and honestly...I felt bad for yelling at him..."

Alexander paused knowing what was coming next. He sniffled and wiped a few tears before continuing.

"I followed apologize for yelling. I was going to explain why I couldn't be with him, tell him that I didn't love him, but he crashed his lips on mine and...a-and...I kissed back."

Alexander paused again to calm his sobs. He hated this. Thomas wasn't saying anything. How was he reacting? Did he hate him now? Was he going to break up with him? Honestly, that's what he deserved, right?

"Th-things o-obviously escalated q-q-quickly and I-I knew it w-was w-wrong a-and I t-tried s-s-so hard t-t-to be s-strong, b-b-but...I-I-I failed. I failed! I failed you, Thomas!"

Alexander broke down now. He just couldn't hold it in anymore. He covered his face with his hands and let all of his tears fall.

Thomas observed, just like James and Aaron would. He'd picked up some observation skills from hanging around James for so long. He saw no signs of trickery, deceivery, or uncertainty. He only saw regret, guilt, fear, sincerity, and nervousness.

What was he supposed to do about this? He couldn't just forgive him like it was nothing, because it was definitely something. He knew Alexander meant everything he said and that John had taken advantage of his absence and Alex's weakness.

Thomas sighed and walked over to Alexander. He placed a hand on his shoulder. Alex looked up at Thomas' face.

"Thomas?" he hiccupped and sniffled.

"Listen, Alexander," Thomas replied, his voice shaky. "I believe you, really I do, but...I'm afraid we're going to have to take a break from each other for a while."


"I just need some time to figure this out, okay? Until I give the okay, if I give the okay, we are just friends for now, okay? This doesn't mean I don't want us to be a thing again...this doesn't mean I don't love you, because Alex, I really do love you, but...I just need to work things out."

Thomas stood up and grabbed his packed bags. Alex panicked and asked, "Wait! where are you going?"

"I'm going to see if I can stay over Aaron and James' place for a bit. Now, if you'll excuse me, I'll be on my way."

"...goodbye, Thomas," Alex said barely above a whisper.

"Goodbye, Alexander," Thomas replied before stepping out of the room.

End of Book One


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Well, that's Puppies Bring Love! I hope you all enjoyed this journey! The next book should be out soon, since I'm almost done with the sequel. I'll give you a date as soon as I'm finished writing it. Tell me how you enjoyed this story in the comments below. I would love to hear your favorite parts of the story and what you think will happen to Alex and Thomas' relationship and what you think happened to Macaroni! Anyway, that's a wrap for this book. I had so much fun writing this! I hope all of you enjoyed reading this as well! I will see you all when the next book I publish is out! I love you all, and stay tuned! See ya!

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