Chapter 2: Friends & Names

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Hey guys! I hope you enjoyed the first chapter! Here's the second one for you. Let's see how long it takes before I lose the schedule, lol.


"OH MY GOSH!!!" Alexander's best friend John Laurens squealed when he and Hercules Mulligan, another friend of theirs, came over on Saturday. "HE'S SO CUTE!!!"

"John, shut up, it's supposed to be a secret," Alexander scolded.

"Sorry, but look at him!" John picked up the tiny puppy who was wagging his tail happily.

"Man, Laf would go crazy over him," Hercules commented as he ruffled the Poodle's hair.

"Too bad he's in France right now," John sighed.

Their other close friend Marquis de Lafayette was in France visiting his family while studying abroad.

"I could Skype him," Alexander suggested and got out his laptop as his phone dinged.

To Alex: should i get toys 2?

To Thomas: of course! Nothing noisy tho...maybe like a ball or something, idk.

Alexander set up everything on Skype and found Lafayette's Skype number. He hit the video call button. He picked up on the second ring.

"Bonjour, mon petit lion!" Lafayette greeted with a giant smile that shone even through the screen, his French accent thicker than ever from being in France for too long. "Comment allez-vous, mon ami?!"

"I'm doing great! How are you? How's France?" Alex asked making small talk.

"Wonderful! I'm doing wonderful! Everything is wonderful!" Lafayette beamed. "I miss you and the guys, though. I have to bring you guys up here sometime."

"We miss you too, Laf!" Hercules called out and Lafayette gasped.

"Are John and Herc with you?!" the Frenchman asked excitedly.

"Yep," Alex said, popping the "p".

"Bonjour, mes amis!!!" Laf basically screamed.

"Hey, Laf!" John called as he got in the camera view.

"Hey, make room for me!" Hercules whined and squeezed on the other side of Alex.

The smile on Lafayette's face was contagious and the four of them just smiled and stared like idiots, until Alex shared the good news.

"We got a new puppy," Alex said.

Lafayette cocked his head to the side confused. "How?"

Alex brought up the puppy and before he could start explaining, Laf squealed like a fangirl who just met the entire cast of their favorite musical. "OHMIGODOHMIGODOHMIGODOMIGOD!!!! IT'S SO CUUUUUUTTTTTTTEEEEEEE!!!!! I JUST WANNA CUDDLE IT!!!!!!!! AAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHH!!!!"

"Laf, oh my gosh, calm down," Hercules laughed.

"And be quiet too, we can't get caught," Alex scolded lightheartedly.

"I apologize, mon ami, but he is soooooooooooooooo adorable!" Laf beamed. "I can't wait to meet him! I'm returning to America in three weeks, so you better not get found out!"

"We won't," Alex smiled. "His name's Philip, by the way."

"That's not a dog name..." Laf pointed out.

"That's exactly what we said," John said.

"Guys, I like the name!" Alex turned red in frustration.


Thomas was just about finished buying the things he needed. He'd gotten a big bag of puppy food, a litter box of sorts, a couple of noise-free toys, a food and water bowl, and the groceries he came for. At some point during his trip, he met up with his friend James Madison, who happened to be shopping for groceries as well.

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