Chapter 7: Confession Time

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(Here's what I got, my fellow soldiers will tell you I'm a terrible shot) -it was calling me, sorry.


“I’ll be back,” Alexander smiled at Thomas before leaving the room.

It was a week after Lafayette had returned from France and they’d passed their room inspection.

“Yeah, yeah,” Thomas shooed him off. “Be back soon.”

“I will.”

Alexander closed the door and Thomas instantly sighed. He looked down at Macaroni on his lap.

“Macaroni...why can’t I just tell Alexander about my feelings?” he asked the pup. “He’s d**n cute! His eyes are a beautiful dark brown that I can stare in all day long. His hair is so long and silky and I could run my hands through it forever. His f**king lips look so kissable. His face is just dying for kisses. His voice is so perfect, I could listen to him talk all day. And he’s so smart, Macaroni, that brain of his is amazing! His smile is enchanting, I love making him laugh so hard that tears fall and his face turns all red. God, what is wrong with me?”

Thomas heard a gasp and he turned to see Alexander there, teary-eyed and red faced.

Well, s**t.

“Uuuuhhhh… much of that did you hear?” Thomas asked nervously.

Alexander said nothing and rushed over to Thomas to smash his lips against his. Thomas’ eyes widened in surprise as he suddenly found himself kissing back. He felt Alexander’s hands playing with his hair as Thomas wrapped his arms around Alex, one hand in his silky, long hair, the other was on his back holding him closer. The kiss itself was filled with passion and desire. They both have been wanting this for a while and now that they were getting it, there was nothing else they could’ve wanted more.

Thomas was the first to release, but Alexander wasn’t done. He left a short peck on his lips, then a kiss that lasted a little longer. When Alex released, they stared into each other’s eyes, love and shock filled in them.

“Do you wanna grab coffee with me?” Alex asked. “It’s where I was going, then I forgot my phone and came back here to get it…”

Thomas smiled and nodded. He took Macaroni off of his lap and stood up with Alexander. Without another word, Alex grabbed his phone, and Thomas followed him out the door.


“ long have you liked me?” Alex wondered after sipping his black coffee.

“Honestly, I think it was the first night you brought Macaroni in,” Thomas looked at his untouched latte. “You?”

“I think it was that same night cuz I hugged you when you let me keep the dog...the feelings grew more evident after you helped me overcome that storm.”

Thomas nodded and sipped his latte. Alex tried to avoid eye contact, but he couldn’t stop staring into that beautiful face of Thomas’. “Are things...awkward now?” he asked nervously. “I you want us to be a thing? I can totally back off and we can go back to arguing, and hating each other, and-”

Thomas stopped him from talking by grabbing his hand and kissing it gently. “I never hated you, Alexander, that’s for one.”

Alex smiled. “I never hated you either. I couldn’t hate you! You were the only one I had fun debating with! It’s no fun with my friends, they gave up too easily, but with you...someone as smart as was so much better.”

Thomas smiled as well. “I...I think we do have something, Alexander, truly I do…”

“I feel a but coming,” Alex looked at Thomas worriedly.

“I’m just worried...with what happened between you and don’t exactly have the ‘trustworthy’ reputation...what if you get tired of me? What if I’m not enough for you?”

“Thomas...I promise, I would never do that to you...Eliza and I were already on the verge of breaking up and I just gave her a reason to go with it,” Alex responded. “I knew she wanted to break up with me, but she was way too kind. I didn’t want to break up with her because then I was still trying to make things work. I felt nothing for that Reynolds girl.”

Thomas looked for any type of trickery in his eyes, but all he found was love and sincerity. Thomas sighed. “We’re gonna have to take this slow.”

“We can go at any pace you would like,” Alex reassured. “You can tell me if I’m going too fast and I’ll slow down for you. I’ll do anything for you.”

“Ew, stop sounding so cheesy,” Thomas fake gagged and took a longer sip of his latte.

“But I thought you loved macaroni and cheese,” Alex teased and Thomas groaned.

Alex laughed as Thomas rolled his eyes. “You are the worst.”

“I thought we had something, Thomas,” Alex exaggerated a gasp, which made him start choking.

Thomas started laughing and Alexander gave him a death stare. “I hate you.”

“I thought we had something, Alexander,” Thomas mocked Alexander. “Besides, we’ve already established that we didn’t hate each other, remember?”

“Shut up,” Alex rolled his eyes.

“How is this relationship going to work?” Thomas sighed.

“We’ll figure it out as we go along,” Alexander laughed.


Once they finished their coffees, they walked back to their apartment room. Macaroni was on his doggy bed sleeping and the new couple found it adorable. Closing the door behind them, Alex and Thomas sat down on Thomas’ bed holding hands and enjoying each other’s company.

“I never imagined this,” Alex chuckled and placed his head on Thomas’ shoulder.

“Never in a million years,” Thomas agreed and turned to kiss Alexander’s forehead.

Alex smiled and leaned up to catch Thomas’ lips in a sweet, short kiss before standing to grab his laptop.

“What are you doing?” Thomas asked.

“Grabbing my laptop to get some homework done,” he answered.

“Nerd, you’re months ahead of everything,” Thomas sighed, extending his arms for Alex to return. “Come relax with me instead.”

Alex rolled his eyes before grabbing his laptop and making his way back to Thomas. “Don’t worry, this won’t take long. Mind if I put on some music?”

Thomas wrapped his arms around Alex’s waist. “As long as it’s good music.”

“I’ve kinda been a huge Broadway fan and I’m kinda back on that phase at the moment, so don’t judge me,” Alex opened and turned on his laptop.

“Are you kidding? I love Broadway!” Thomas enthused. “I used to always go see shows on Broadway.”

“I’ve never seen a Broadway show live. My friends usually suggest musicals and I listen to the soundtrack. I would love to see one someday, but I’m not exactly made of money.”

Thomas placed his chin on Alexander’s shoulder. “We’ll just have to fix that.”

“Nah, don’t waste your money on me,” Alex typed in his password.

“As long as you don’t tell me what to do with my money,” Thomas smirked and kissed Alex’s cheek.

Alexander laughed and played his Broadway playlist.


(1170 words)

I know it's like 7:45 in the morning, but eh, you can't stop me now (cuz I'm having a good time). I'm already working on the sequel for this story. I think you guys will enjoy the next's a bit depressing in the beginning and gets better by the end! I hope you enjoyed this chapter cuz I know I enjoyed writing it! You know what to do if you did! Love you guys! Thanks for over 100 reads on this and I will see you all on Friday! Bye!

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