Chapter 6: Ne Vous Attrapez Pas

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*The title means don't get caught.


A few weeks had passed and Thomas’ obsession for Alexander and vice versa hadn’t weakened. They still had their little puppy Macaroni in their possession. They had kept him well hidden from uninvited guests. They were bonding over this little animal they were keeping a secret from the college.

Neither of them had confessed to each other yet, but people around campus noticed things were different between them. There was way less debating than usual, people saw them staring at each other when the other wasn’t looking, and people witnessed them having civil conversations.

What a difference from the beginning of college!

Now, the two of them were sitting on the floor of their apartment room petting their growing puppy. They were quiet together, until Alexander’s cell started ringing.

“Hello?” Alex answered, and almost instantly he heard John’s frantic voice.

“Alex, you gotta hide Macaroni! The RA is doing inspections today and he’s literally three minutes away from your dorm!”

“Oh my God! Thanks for the warning!” Alex hung up and picked up Macaroni to hide him. “I’m sorry, Mac, but we can’t let him see you. Thomas, the RA’s on his way. Make sure the room looks dog free.”

“On it!” Thomas said and started hiding the dog food, bowls, and everything else that would show signs of a dog being here.

Macaroni whimpered as Alex put him in his backpack and placed said backpack into the closet. “We’ll be back before you know it, so be quiet, okay?”

The pup licked Alex’s hand and he giggled before zipping up his backpack. Just then, they heard a knock followed closely by, “Housing!”

Thomas turned to Alex, who in turn gave him a worried look. Thomas nodded to try and give Alexander reassurance that everything would be okay. Alex took a deep breath and opened the door with a smile, their RA, Charles Lee, returned the smile.

“Hamilton, Jefferson, how are you?” he greeted.

“We haven’t killed each other yet, so that’s something,” Thomas shrugged.

“Oh, the semester isn't over yet,” Alex smirked, despite his nervousness.

He needed something to hold, to keep him grounded. Unknown to him and the Virginian next to him, Thomas had taken a hold of his hand. Was Thomas just as afraid as Alexander? He felt a small squeeze, and Alex took a small breath.

“Mind if I come in?” Lee raised an eyebrow.

“Of course, come on in. Please excuse the mess, roommate’s a bit messier than I am,” Thomas stepped aside to let Lee in.

Alex nudged Thomas’ arm and Thomas hardly held in his chuckles. They watched Lee walk around the room observing. He nodded occasionally, hummed a few times, and wrote little notes down.

Alexander’s heart was practically beating out of his chest. He knew Lee was taking his time making sure everything was in order. It had only been a minute, but knowing he was hiding something made it feel like hours on end. He squeezed Thomas’ hand for reassurance, he really needed it at the moment.

As Lee moved on to the closet, Thomas squeezed Alexander’s hand back. This was the moment of truth and although he would never admit it, he was scared. Alexander was right, he was growing fond of their little pup with the unique name. He enjoyed watching the little ball of energy run around like a maniac. He enjoyed taking care of him and playing with him. He prayed to God that Lee wouldn’t suspect anything. He prayed that the dog wouldn’t move or bark from being disturbed.

Lee opened the door and looked around. Finding everything was in order, he closed it gently and turned to the two boys.

“Everything looks okay to me,” he announced. “I’ll be off now, enjoy the rest of your day.”

“You too,” Thomas found his voice as Lee left and closed the door behind him.

A few seconds after he left, they both let out a breath they didn’t know they were holding and gave each other a big smile.

“We did it!” Alex cheered, tears making their way down his cheeks.

“Yeah...we did it,” Thomas breathed amazed.

Alexander hugged Thomas tightly and Thomas hugged him back. They both needed this.

“I was so scared,” Alex sniffled, “that we were gonna lose him.”

“I know you were, I’ll admit I was nervous too,” Thomas rubbed circles on Alexander’s back. “But everything’s going to be okay now. Our little Macaroni isn’t going anywhere.”

Suddenly, someone barged into the room screaming, “Bonjour, mes amis! Je suis revenu!”

Thomas and Alex released their hug and ran over to their favorite Frenchman.

“Lafayette!” Alex practically tackled him to the floor, showering him with platonic love and affection. “I missed you so much!”

“I have missed everyone, mon petit lion!” Laf laughed.

“Hey, don’t leave me hanging!” Thomas smiled and helped Lafayette up from the floor while Alex closed the door.

“Thomas! It is great to see you, mon ami! It is a wonder that you and Alexander are still alive without me controlling your debates.” Lafayette laughed and hugged his friend.

“Yeah, well, if I’d kill Alexander, I would probably go crazy over the silence,” Thomas stuck his tongue out.

“And if I’d kill Thomas, my puppy wouldn’t be named after food,” Alex rolled his eyes.

“Ah, you two are calling each other by the first name, this is truly a miracle,” Lafayette teased. “Anyway, enough talking, I want to see the dog.”

“Oh yeah,” Alex chuckled and moved to get the pup out of his backpack from the closet. He unzipped the bag and instantly Macaroni’s head popped up, little tongue sticking out of his mouth. “Hey, buddy. We did it. You’re safe to stay.”

Alex picked up the puppy and hugged him with fondness. He loved his puppy so much, he’d do anything to protect him. Lafayette squealed when he caught sight of him.

“OHMIGOD!!!” he screamed, hurting everyone’s ears.

“Laf, quiet!” Alex scolded.

“I think my ears are bleeding,” Thomas commented.

“I am sorry, mes amis, but he is sooooo much cuter in real life,” Lafayette cheered and gently took Macaroni from Alex’s arms. “Oh mon Dieu, you are too adorable. Can I keep him?”

“No,” Thomas and Alex said at the same time.

“You guys are you say? In sync with each other,” Lafayette said shocked. “What did I miss?”

The two boys in question avoided each other’s eyes and blushed. Lafayette gasped loudly and excitedly.

“You guys are totally-”

“Don’t you dare finish that sentence,” Alex interrupted, his blush growing.

“-in love!”

“Pssh, in love? With my enemy? Please,” Thomas stammered.

“You keep denying it, but I know love when I see love,” Lafayette smirked. “It was the puppy, was it not? The pup made you two bond.”

Alex looked up at Thomas nervously with his blush still showing. Thomas glanced at Alexander and he prayed his darkened blush couldn’t be seen, but judging by Lafayette’s smirking lips, he knew it was there and seen.


(1174 words)

Je suis revenu means I have returned.

Hey, guys. I told you I'd update today! Lol! Going to Universal today, so I'm gonna end the author's note here. Love you guys, see you guys Wednesday! If you enjoyed, you know what to do! See ya!

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