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Okay, so I need help. I'm trying to work on a book of oneshots for Toddler!Alex, based on bunny-yams' AU. I have no idea what to write about though. Can you guys give me some prompts please? If really appreciate it!

Here's a little info:

Alex is 18 months old, which means he can walk and kinda talk.

His caretakers are James Madison and Thomas Jefferson because...just because.

Laurens, Lafayette, and Mulligan live next door, so when James and Thomas go to work, they take care of him.

Sometimes, James and Thomas take him to work to visit papa George.

And that's all I have so far. If you think I should add anything, I'm open to suggestions! So, please, give me some prompts! Thank you in advance and I'll see you guys tomorrow! Bye!

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