Chapter 10: Trouble Pt 2

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Most of these are filler chapters, but I love them nonetheless! Hope you like them too!


They lost him. They lost their precious Macaroni. Why did Seabury out him? That little jerk. He did nothing to him, well sure they had their disagreements, but nothing too serious. Things were finally going good. He had made a little family. Thomas was his boyfriend, Macaroni was their baby boy who they just let slip out of their lives.

Now Alex was here alone, sobbing into his pillow. He let his Macaroni get away. Now he was going to go back to the outside world, alone in the world to fend for himself. Alexander had failed Macaroni, he failed to save him, protect him.

A knock on the door interrupted his thoughts. He didn’t budge, he didn’t even say anything.

“Alex? I know you’re in there,” the concerned voice of Aaron Burr sounded at the door. “I just want to make sure you’re alright.”

“M’fine!” Alex sobbed out.

“No, you’re not. Let me in,” Aaron said calmly.

“Aaron, please, just leave,” Alex cried heartbrokenly and it broke Aaron’s heart.

“I’m breaking in if you won’t let me in.”

Alexander sniffled and dragged himself to the door. He opened the door and Aaron extended his arms seeing the puffy red eyes and tear tracks still flowing down his cheeks. Alex whimpered a little before he slowly walked toward Aaron, letting him engulf him in a hug.

“It’s okay, shh, it’s alright,” Aaron rubbed his back comfortingly.

“I failed him, Aaron,” Alex cried in his shirt. “He’s gonna be all alone and...a-and-”

“Hey, it’s okay. I know how much this hurts you, but you’ll get through it. I know you will.”

Alexander sniffled and continued to cry on his shoulder. Aaron led them inside the room and sat down, letting Alex sit on his lap.

“I just...I can’t believe we got found out,” Alex cried. “I wanna punch that Seabury in the face.”

“Thomas already took care of that for you. He punched that smirk right off of his face,” Aaron told Alexander.

“Really? He did that?” Alex moved to look at Aaron’s face.

Aaron smiled and nodded, wiping the tears off of Alexander’s face. “He punched him really hard. There was blood and everything.”

Alex chuckled a little. “Wow...where is Thomas?”

“I think he's going for a walk to cool down,” Aaron informed him. “It's probably not too late to catch him if you want to join him.”

“Will you join too?” Alex asked, sniffling.

“If you want me to,” Aaron smiled.

Alex nodded and stood up. He extended a hand to Aaron, and he took it.

“Let's go find my Thomas.”


Thomas walked slowly around the walking trail the campus had provided for the students. His hands were in his pockets, his jacket zipped up. He could see his breath because of the winter air.

Poor Macaroni would have to live like this for the rest of his life. Outdoors in the cold, it wouldn't always be cold, but outdoors nonetheless. Thomas couldn’t stop the tears from falling. They lost their precious Macaroni. He was really close to the little guy. He was so angry with Seabury. He deserved so much more than just a little punch.

He was so worried about Alexander. He had locked him out of their room so he could be alone. Thomas didn’t know what he was doing alone, he hoped it didn't include sharp objects, but he shouldn't have left him. He ran his fingers through his hair. Too many things were running through his mind and he just wanted Alexander.

“Thomas!” Alex’s voice was heard and Thomas turned to see Alexander and Burr walking toward him.

“Alexander?” Thomas called and was suddenly engulfed in a tight embrace.

“Thank you...and I'm sorry for kinda locking you out, I didn't even-”

Thomas interrupted him with a short kiss.

“You don't have to apologize,” Thomas smiled. “You needed time, and I understand that. What are you thanking me for?”

“For punching that Seabury kid...I wanted to slap that stupid smirk off his stupid face,” Alex smiled back at his boyfriend.

“I could tell you wanted to,” Thomas chuckled. “Would you like to walk with me?”

Thomas offered an arm like a gentleman. Alex laughed a little and put his arms through it.

“I would love to, kind sir,” Alex rolled his eyes before looking back to wave goodbye to Aaron.

“Have fun, you two,” Aaron smiled and waved as he walked back to the apartments.

The two of them were quiet for most of the walk, just walking and enjoying nature. Thomas had given Alex his jacket because he was cold and hadn't thought to bring a jacket. After the third lap, they went back to their room. Almost instinctively, Alexander said, “Hey, Mac-oh, right.”

Thomas wrapped a loving arm around him, as he felt his demeanor change.

“Hey, wanna watch a movie?” the Virginian asked.

“Sure,” Alex said quietly.

Thomas placed a small kiss on his forehead before he went to grab his laptop. Alex lay down on Thomas’ bed, his head on his pillow, looking through his phone. There were a lot of text messages he’d missed when he wasn't answering his cell.

From Laurens: hey, u ok? saw wat happened. srry, dude. if u need 2 talk 2 some1, i'm always here 4 u. :)

From Laf: that Seabury is despicable! I hope that u r ok, mon petit lion. I knew how much macaroni meant 2 u. If u need anything, and I mean anything, u let me know and I'll b there asap. <3

From Herc: I'm sorry about what that jerkface did to you. want me 2 tell prof. washington?? I'm sure he can do something.

From Unknown Number: hey, i got ur # from so sorry about what happened. I just wanted u 2 kno tht i'm here 4 u. If u need someone level headed to talk to, I'm here.

From Unknown Number: this is James btw.

From Aaron: i'm coming over

From Lee: Alexander, I know you probably hate me, but I just want you to know that your puppy is safe. I didn't throw him back in the wild, I'm not a monster. Please don't be mad at me and if you need anything, you can always text me.

“Hey, what are we watching?” Thomas asked taking Alexander’s attention away from his phone.

“I don’t care,” Alex mumbled sadly.

Thomas sighed and picked out a movie.


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Well, that wraps this chapter up. We're halfway through this fic, can you believe that!? It seemed like I just started the story a couple days ago and now we're here! I hope you guys are liking this story as much as I enjoy writing it! I'll see you guys on Friday! Thank you for 200 reads! Love you guys and see you later!! Bye!!!

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