Chapter 18: The Next Morning

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...what happens next???


Alexander fluttered his eyes open and instantly knew he wasn’t in his room. Panic flooded over him as he squirmed and looked around. He saw a bunk bed across from him and on it, he saw Lafayette on the top bunk and Hercules on the bottom. His eyes widened as he looked behind him. He just now realized arms were wrapped around his stomach. Those arms belonged to John Laurens, who was sleeping peacefully next to him. He looked down at himself to find that he was naked, they both were.

He rushed off of the bed, causing him to fall off the bed.

“S**t! F**k!” Alex cursed  and Laurens woke up looking down at the smaller immigrant.

“Alex? Are you-”

“No! No no no no nononononononononono!!!!!!!! You leave me alone!!!” Alex cried.

“Alex, calm down-”

“Don’t you tell me to calm down! F**k you! I can’t believe...I did this...Thomas, dear God...I gotta go!” Alex sobbed and stood up.

He clumsily put on his clothes and headed for the door.

“Alex, wait!”

“For what!? What could you possibly want from me!? You got what you f**king wanted, now leave me alone!”


“It’s over, Laurens!” Alex cried.

“What?” John asked quietly.

“Our friendship? Yeah, say goodbye to that! Stay away from me!”

With that, Alexander ran over to his room, sobbing hysterically. Oh God, what was Thomas going to think of him!? Would he be mad?! Stupid question, of course he’d be mad! Would he break up with him on the spot!? He was so scared. He didn’t want any of this to happen. He had tried so hard to avoid all of this, but Laurens had to push him one last time!

He got to his room, slammed the door closed, locked it, and turned on his laptop. He looked down at his phone, a loud sob breaking from his body.

9 missed calls from Thomas

5 voicemails from Thomas

12 text messages from Thomas

Alex wiped the tears from his eyes as more fell down his face. He got his Skype together and video called Thomas. It took a while for him to pick up, but when he did, he looked angry.

“Alexander, where were you!?” Thomas yelled, but when he stopped and saw Alexander’s face he softened, concerned. “Alex? What’s wrong?”

“T-Thomas...I’m so s-sorry!” Alex sputtered out. “I-I knew I shouldn’t h-have done it, b-but he wouldn’t stop! I-I was w-weak a-and t-tired a-a-and-”

Alexander broke down right then and there. He was panicking. He was terrified of how Thomas would react to this. Thomas looked at his boyfriend’s tear-filled face.

“Babe? What are you talking about?” Thomas asked.

“I...I-I th-think...I...L-Laurens and I-I...w-we did some th-things a-and I-I’m so s-so sorry. I-I understand i-if y-you hate me a-and y-y-you wanna b-break up with m-m-me, b-but I j-just want y-you to know that I-I o-o-only love y-you. I love you so much.”

Thomas looked at Alexander. He saw hurt, fear, regret, guilt, sadness, and sincerity. Thomas sighed. So that’s why Aaron was acting weird last night. That’s why James was unable to answer. He was probably crying his eyes out. He couldn’t believe this. Alexander had promised not to do this, yet he did it anyway. James Reynolds probably worked him too hard, he knew Alex was also taking those summer classes, and when was the last time he truly ate? Still, he only had a week before Thomas would return. Alex stayed strong for him, but he just couldn’t take it anymore.

“...” Thomas didn’t know how to respond. Should he be mad? H*ll yeah, but Alex was making it hard. He looked like he regretted it and honestly, he believed him. Why else would Alex straight up tell him about it, tears and regret all over his face? “...Alexander...we can talk about this later. I want the full story when I come back from France. It’s only a couple days, so it shouldn’t be long.”

“You…*sniffle* you’re n-not mad?” Alex asked broken-heartedly.

“I’m not judging you until I hear the full story, okay?”

Alex nodded and wiped his tears as they finally stopped. “I’m sorry, Thomas.”

“Like I said, not judging til I come back. However, I won’t be calling you for the rest of the week.”

“That’s reasonable...I honestly deserve much worse.”

“I’ll see you when I get back.”

“Okay, Thomas.”


“Bye. I lo-”

The chat ended and Alex just sat in the corner of the room for a while, contemplating his options. He could stay home all day, but risk the wrath of James Reynolds. He could go to work, but be drowned in papers. Or he could go to someone else’s place and cry on their shoulder. Though, who could he go to?

Laurens, Lafayette, and Hercules were out. John wasn’t his friend anymore, he broke that up immediately. Lafayette and Hercules would just be ashamed of his actions.

Aaron and James were out as well. They probably heard everything as loud as they were being. He could’ve sworn he heard sobbing last night, but at that moment, he was too preoccupied to care.

He could go to George, but he was probably busy teaching a class. Besides, he didn’t want another lecture from his “dad” again. He’d already gone through that when he cheated on Eliza.

The Schuyler Sisters? ...he’d rather not deal with them. They'd probably make it worse. Angelica would probably roast him on the spot, Peggy would give him the silent treatment, and Eliza...she'd just glare at him like she was burning a hole through his soul. Besides, they were vacationing, travelling the world.

There was nowhere he could go, so he just sat there, sobbing alone all day.


(1006 words)

Well, that just happened! Hope you liked it! If you did, please leave a vote or comment! I'll see you guys on Wednesday. I just realized this book will be over this week. Wow, already. I'll see you guys later! Love you guys! Bye!

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