Chapter 11: Happy Birthday Pt. 1

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Yes, I am well aware that it is nowhere near January 11, but you know what? I don't care, lol.


It was Saturday night, and Thomas was planning a big surprise for Alexander. The problem was: getting Alexander to cooperate with him. This dog thing was really getting to him.

"Come on, Alexander," Thomas pleaded. "Just one night off of our bed."

Alex shook his head to let him know he was declining. This was something else he did. He hadn't said anything all day, and it was worrying Thomas.

"Please? For me? I promise I'll leave you alone after tonight," Thomas grabbed Alex's hands.

Alexander sighed and rolled his eyes as he began to sit up. Thomas smiled and kissed Alex's forehead. Once he was dressed and ready to go, Thomas led him out to his car and drove him to a nearby park. Alex looked at Thomas confusedly.

"I'm guessing you're wondering why I brought you to a park," Thomas guessed what Alex was thinking. When he nodded, Thomas replied, "I've got a surprise for you and I think you're gonna love it."

Thomas parked the car and got out. He jogged over to Alexander's car door and opened it for him. Thomas offered his hand and Alex accepted it, sighing as he was gently pulled out of the car.

"You ready?" Thomas asked excitedly.

Alexander nodded and allowed Thomas to lead him down the park trail. Little white lights in the ground brightened the way for them. Alex looked at them confused. He didn't remember lights like these at the park. He looked up at Thomas, who was just smiling fondly. Alex tugged on his arm and pointed to the lights when he had his attention.

"It's part of the surprise," he commented. "You're awfully quiet for a guy who doesn't ever shut up."

Alex nudged his arm playfully. Thomas giggled and placed a soft kiss on his forehead. "I still love you anyhow, Alex."

Alex leaned up to kiss Thomas' cheek to let him know he felt the same. After about five minutes of walking, the two of them reached a gazebo that was decorated with a variety of colorful roses. There was a candlelit table in the middle with two chairs ready for the two of them to sit at. Thomas looked down to Alex to see his shocked face.

"W...what is all this?" he asked quietly, finding his voice again. It was filled with love and curiosity.

"Happy birthday, Alexander," Thomas smiled.

Birthday? Was it January 11th already? Alexander was so distraught about losing his puppy that he hadn't even realized it was his birthday. He was sure his friends had sent him birthday wishes, but he hadn't checked his phone all day.

"Alex?" Thomas asked, starting to doubt himself. "You okay? Do you not like it? We can go back if you-"

"Shut up and kiss me," Alex demanded.

Thomas smiled and leaned down to kiss Alex's lips. Alex grabbed Thomas' cheeks while Thomas wrapped his arms around him. It wasn't a long kiss, but it was enough for the both of them.

When they released, Alex grabbed both of Thomas' hands and looked him in the eyes and said, "I'm sorry for being overemotional these past few hours. It's just...I took it to heart because that's how I was and-"

"Hey, it's okay. You don't have to explain yourself," Thomas smiled lovingly and ran his fingers through Alex's hair. "Now come on. We're here to have a good evening, and I'd rather not have my little Alexander frowning the whole time."

Alex giggled a little and followed Thomas into the gazebo. Thomas pulled out a chair for Alexander and made sure he was comfortable before going over to his seat. Alex looked down at the table and started chuckling.

"There's a menu and everything?" he sputtered out between laughs.

"Yeah," Thomas smiled at the fact that Alexander was laughing again.

"You really went full out on this, didn't you?"

"Had to impress my boyfriend."

"Heh, well, your boyfriend is way beyond impressed. Quick question, though...who's going to be cooking this stuff?"

"Bonsoir, mes bons messieurs, je m'appelle Lafayette and I will be your chef on this belle soirée! May I start you off with something to drink?" Lafayette walked up to the two of them in a nice tuxedo.

"Are you serious?" Alexander looked at both Thomas and Lafayette.

"As serious as a heart attack," Thomas replied looking at the menu--even though he was the one to arrange the menu. "Yes, I would like the most expensive wine you've got."

"Alright, and for you monsieur?" Lafayette turned to Alex, who's mouth was just open in shock.

"Uh...I'll just have what he's having," he said in awe.

"Would you like a minute to decide on what you want to eat?" Lafayette asked as he wrote down their orders.

"I would like to order...the macaroni and cheese please," Thomas answered.

"Tres bon, and for you?" Lafayette looked at Alexander.

"Without a doubt, I would love your world famous choucroute garnie with fondue and baguettes on the side, please," Alex didn't even hesitate.

Good thing Lafayette knew what Alex wanted beforehand, now all he had to do was prepare fondue.

"I will return shortly with your drinks," Lafayette nodded and walked off to places unknown.

Alex turned to Thomas and smiled. "I can't believe you did all this for me."

"Night's still young, Alexander," Thomas smirked.

"Wait, there's more?" Alex asked excitedly.


"No, I don't deserve all this."

Thomas took Alex's hand in his and kissed the top of it. "Of course you deserve it. You deserve the world, but unfortunately I can't give that to you."

Alexander smiled as Lafayette returned with the drinks. "I love you so much."

"I love you more, though," Thomas smiled back.

"Well, I love you the most," Alex challenged.

"And I love you the most times infinity," Thomas smirked as Alex pouted from not being about to top that. "Never thought I'd see you pout when I told you I loved you."

"Shut up," Alex giggled before thanking Lafayette for his drink. "The important thing is that I know that you love me and you know I love you."

"Awww, mon ami!!!" Lafayette squealed and Alexander blushed.

"Lafayette, we talked about this," Thomas face-palmed. "No fangirling, remember?"

"Mes excuses, but it's sooooo cute," Lafayette cheered before running back to make the food.

"I'm so sorry about him. He promised he wouldn't embarrass you and he clearly broke it," Thomas looked worriedly to Alexander.

"It's fine, that's just Lafayette. Heh, he can't help himself," Alex smiled, "but seriously, I do love you, you know that, right?"

"I do, Alexander," Thomas smiled again. "I love you too."


(1113 words)

Choucroute Garnie is a French dish with different meats and sauerkraut. I don't know what it tastes like, but it looked interesting.

I kinda broke this birthday celebration into a bunch of parts because 1). I needed filler chapters and 2). my limit is about 1000 words.

Anyway, I'm working on something else at the moment, so I will see you guys on Monday! I hope you guys liked this! Love you all!

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