Chapter 13: Happy Birthday Pt. 3

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This is the last birthday related chapter, I promise!


"Where are we going, Thomas?" Alex asked for the fifteenth time.

"Oh my God, will you just let it be a surprise?" Thomas asked impatiently. He was grateful to have Alex for a boyfriend but God could he be an annoying little kid.

"Aww, but I hate surprises," Alex pouted.

"You seemed to love our first date and that was a surprise," Thomas commented.

"Yeah, but that was a surprise I didn't know about. You told me about another surprise and now it's killing me that I don't know what it is."

"Relax, you big baby, we're almost there," Thomas replied.

"Can you at least give me a hint?"



"Hamilton, no!"


"Ugh, I liked it better when you weren't talking," Thomas groaned. "I thought I hated the peace, but now I miss it."

"Hey, you said you could listen to my perfect voice all day in your confession."

"I did, but you're being whiny," Thomas rolled his eyes.

"Only cuz you won't tell me where you're taking me," Alex pouted.

"Well brace yourself, cuz we're here," Thomas smiled and pointed to the Richard Rodgers sign.

Alexander screamed and looked at Thomas with wide eyes. "ARE YOU SERIOUS RIGHT NOW!!!!???? NO, YOU DID NOT TAKE ME TO BROADWAY!!!"

Thomas handed Alexander a lanyard which had a VIP sign on it along with the name of the play they were going to see. Again Alex was screaming.


"But I did," Thomas couldn't help but beam brightly, "and if you keep screaming at me, we might miss it, so let's-"

Alexander interrupted him by crashing his lips onto his. There was so much emotion, passion. All Alex wanted was Thomas. He loved him so much, he couldn't believe he ever hated this guy. Thomas kissed back after some time, but had to break it up because they had to get their seats before the play started.

"I love you so freaking much," Alex wiped a tear that had slipped out. "How could I have ever hated you?"

"I don't know, but I love you too," Thomas smiled and they got out of the car.

" can I top this for your birthday?" Alex asked himself.

"Don't even bother with it," Thomas giggled. "I'd suffice with wine and movie night with you."

"You sure?"

"Yup. I just want you and nothing else. You're literally all I ever want now."

That earned another kiss from Alex, short and sweet, but got his point across. With smiles on both of their faces, the two of them entered the theater.


"THAT WAS SO AMAZING!" Alexander cheered. "I mean, I felt bad for JD, but he was kinda crazy."

"Kinda? That kid was a psychopath!" Thomas laughed, "but yeah, I think that was what the play was going for. Make you feel bad for a psycho, seventeen year old who wanted to blow up a school."

"Veronica, man, poor girl has to live with that for the rest of her life," Alex said sympathetically as they made it to the car.

"Yeah, all she wanted to do was live a normal, teenage life," Thomas agreed as he got into the driver's seat.

"Yeah," Alex smiled as Thomas started the car and drove off. "Thomas...thank you so much for tonight. No one's ever done anything so nice for me and-"

"Hey, don't start crying on me, now," Thomas grabbed his hand and rubbed loving circles with his thumb. "I love you, and I'd do anything for you. You deserve it."

"No, don't say that. I don't deserve any of this."

"Of course you deserve this. You deserve the world, Alexander."

"All of my relationships fall apart and it's because of me," Alex looked up at Thomas, eyes glimmering. "Burr broke up with me cuz I worked too hard, Eliza broke up with me cuz I cheated on her, and one day, you'll probably break up with me because of something stupid I did."

"Alex, you gotta let go of the past. Don't compare me to them. I'm different, and I love you now, don't worry about the future. Live in the now."

Alexander squeezed Thomas' hand and smiled. "You always know what to say."

"Yeah, well, I wouldn't be a good boyfriend if I didn't," Thomas smirked. "Now, what do you say we go home, have some more wine, and just watch a movie together?"

"Sounds lovely, but I might fall asleep on you," Alex smiled.

"You can do whatever you want, birthday boy," Thomas said happily.

It took them awhile for them to get back to campus, so when Thomas turned to look at Alexander, he wasn't surprised to see that he was peacefully sleeping. He smiled at the shorter man. He hated to be the one to wake him up, so he quietly got out of his car and jogged to Alexander's side. Opening the door, he carefully unbuckled his boyfriend and lifted him from the seat, holding him like he'd hold a toddler.

"Thomas?" Alex mumbled tiredly, a yawn sounding soon after.

"It's okay, just go back to sleep, mon cher," Thomas shushed him and rubbed his silky hair.

"Mm'kay," Alex sighed without a fight. "Love you."

"I love you too," Thomas smiled as he carried Alexander up to their room.

When he got in, he placed Alex on the bed they shared now. Alex sighed and reached for Thomas.

"I gotta get the stuff out of the car," Thomas smiled at the sleepy Alexander.

"Stay," Alex whined grabbing Thomas' arm.

Thomas turned to look at him. "I promise, I'll be right back."


"Don't you want your gifts?"

"Get 'em tomorrow," Alex weakly tried to pull Thomas to bed.

Thomas chuckled and joined him in the bed. "Fine, you big baby."

"Thanks, Tommy," Alex smiled and cuddled with his boyfriend.

"Tommy?" Thomas raised an eyebrow.

"Yeah...s'your nickname," Alex said through a yawn.

"If you call me Tommy, I'm calling you Lexy," Thomas kissed Alex's forehead.

" you. Goodnight."

"Goodnight, my love. Sweet dreams," Thomas wished and they both fell asleep in each other's arms.


(968 words)

And that wraps up the birthday shenanigans! I hope you all enjoyed these chapters! The plot will continue more in the next few chapters. I can't wait for you guys to see what's gonna happen. I think you'll like it. Anyway, if you liked this, you know what to do. I gotta get back to work soon, so I'll see you guys later! Love you all, and have a great day! Bye!

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