Chapter 15: I Knew You Were Trouble When You Walked In

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Are you ready?

The wait for the plane wasn’t excruciatingly long, only about thirty minutes. Still, it was hard to see Thomas go. Alexander wouldn’t see Thomas for the whole summer. He would be able to Skype him and talk, but he wouldn’t be able to touch him, hold him, or kiss him.

“I love you, mon ange,” Thomas embraced Alexander tightly.

“I love you too, Thomas,” Alex whimpered, tears falling rapidly.

“No, don’t cry, Alex, please don’t make this harder than it already is.”

“I’m sorry,” Alex sniffled and looked up at Thomas, “I’m just gonna miss you so much.”

“Mon cher, I’m gonna miss you too. Are you sure you want me to go on this trip?”

“I’m 100 percent positive,” Alex smiled up at Thomas.

The Virginian returned the smile and leaned down to share a long, passionate kiss with his boyfriend before he had to go for real.

“Goodbye, Thomas! Have fun in France,” Alex wished.

“I love you, Alexander, I wish you the best during this internship,” Thomas kissed his forehead one last time before boarding the plane.

He stayed there until the plane took off. There Thomas went. A summer in Paris, France. Alex knew Thomas would have a great time in his favorite country.

When the plane was out of sight, Alexander walked out of the airport to find James.


“Are you okay, Alex? You've been really quiet,” James commented as he drove.

“I'm fine...just thinking about Thomas,” Alex sighed. “I miss him already.”

“Hmm,” James hummed. “Well, if you ever need comfort, you can always count on me and Aaron to help.”

“Thanks, Jemmy,” Alex smirked.

“Oh my God! You and Thomas are insufferable!”

“But you still love us?”


Alex laughed. There was a moment of silence before James asked something.

“So, you're interning this summer?”

“Oh, yeah,” Alex smiled, “It's for law. I'm pretty excited.”

“Sounds like a lot of work to me. Don't overwork yourself, Alexander,” James said concerned.

“Trust me, I won't. We all know what happened last time...ugh, don't even wanna think about it.”

“Yeah, I wouldn't wanna talk about it either. That wasn't really the smartest idea.”

“And I ruined friendships. The Schuyler Sisters won't even talk to me anymore.”

“If you did that to Thomas, I wouldn't talk to you ever again. That's your warning, by the way.”

“Oh, no, I wouldn't ever cheat on Thomas, I wouldn't cheat on anyone after that messy situation.”

“Good to know you've learned your lesson,” James commented.


“Hello, Mr. King,” Alexander said professionally on his first day of interning.

“Ah, good morning, Mr. Hamilton,” he replied with a smile that seemed a little off. “Are you ready to meet who you’ll be interning for?”

“As ready as I’ll ever be, sir.”

“Excellent. Mr. Reynolds! Your intern is here!”

Wait, Reynolds?! As in...James Reynolds!? No, it could be someone else. There are other people with the last name Reynolds.

A man in a brown hat stepped out from his office and Alexander almost collapsed.

“Hamilton?” the man said shocked.

“Mr. James Reynolds...p-pleasure to see you again?” Alexander stammered.

James smirked. “Never thought I’d see your face again.”

“Ah, splendid! The two of you already know each other!” Mr. King clapped his hands excitedly. “Well, I’ll leave you to it! If there’s a problem, let me know! Good luck!”

George left to his own office. Reynolds’ smirk never left his face.


“Don’t even try it,” James snarled. “Hamilton, this summer is going to be h*'ll for you. Do you know why?”


“You ruined my relationship with Maria! After you f**ked her for that Spring Break, she broke up with me. Maria was the love of my life, how could you ruin that?!”

“Well, s-sir, you abused her-”

“She lied! She lied to you, and you couldn’t see it. She’s had a crush on you since the beginning of Freshman year of college, I could tell. She really had it bad. She wasn’t paying attention to me. Everything was ‘Alexander did this’ and ‘Alexander did that’ and ‘isn’t Alexander the best’ and it killed me...when she finally went for it...she made up some story, I swear.”

“I don’t b-believe you,” Alex said.

“Eh, suit yourself, but it’s the truth.” James shrugged. “Anyway, let’s get started, shall we?”

“I don’t like the look you’re giving me…”


“I’m working with James Reynolds!” Alexander cried to Aaron and James in the coffee shop.

Thomas was on Skype as well.

“That’s that guy connected with Maria Reynolds, right?” James asked.

“Yeah, and he’s gonna make my summer a living h*ll!”

“God, that sounds bad, hun,” Thomas said eating his bowl of mac and cheese. “But this mac and cheese is so good.”

“Tommy, focus,” Alex whined.


“Look, just try not to let it get to you,” Aaron shrugged. “He doesn’t like you so he’s gonna be a little hard on you, but I’ve seen you get through worse.”

“Don’t get me started on your tragic backstory,” Thomas commented.

“Yeah...I guess you guys are right,” Alex sighed. “It’s just...ugh, I wish I didn’t have to see his stupid face again...I’m going to see him every day of my summer. Why did I take this internship?”

“Cuz it’s something for your major?” Aaron asked.

“Cuz you were excited about it?” Thomas questioned.

“Cuz you thought you’d be with someone other than Reynolds?” James sipped his tea.

“Ugh...I hate that you all are right,” Alex mumbled. The three of them laughed. “Anyway, I gotta go. I’ve already got so much work to do.”

“Kay, babe, it was great seeing your face,” Thomas smiled.

“Great seeing yours too, hun,” Alex smiled happily. “I love you.”

“Love you too, Alex,” Thomas said blowing a kiss at the screen.

Alex laughed and copied the motion. “Bye, guys.”

“Bye, Alex,” the others said as they waved.


(990 words)

It's time for more plot! I hope you enjoyed, you know what to do if you did. I'll see you on Wednesday. Love y'all, bye!

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