Chapter 8: Another Tragic Backstory

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Have I mentioned that I love Heathers as well???


“...Freeze your brain!” Thomas and Alex were singing along to Heathers.

Alexander had barely gotten any work done because of Thomas’ habit of singing along and Thomas’ voice was amazing. He would sing along with all of the emotions one would feel while watching the actual musical.

“Swim in the ice, get lost in the pain. Shut your eyes tight, till you vanish from sight, let nothing remain!” Thomas had taken over the singing and now Alexander listened to him sing. “Freeze your brain, shatter your skull, fight pain with more pain! Forget who you are, unburden your load, forget in six weeks you'll be back on the road! When the voice in your head says you're better off dead, don't open a vein!!”

Everything was silent. Alexander watched Thomas as he missed the next part of the song.

“Thomas? Are you okay?” Alex asked carefully.

The taller man didn’t answer. This kind of scared Alexander a little. Once he saw tears falling down Thomas’ face, he moved to hug him tightly.

“What’s wrong? Thomas, you’re scaring me,” Alex tried again.

Thomas covered his face and Alex stopped the music and just sat there hugging Thomas tightly. He didn’t say anything, just let Thomas let out his emotions. It was a half hour before the puffy-haired Virginian was ready to talk. With one last shaky deep breath, he began his story.

“My father died when I was fourteen,” Thomas sniffled. “He and I...we were really close. He would always support me in everything I did. We would always go to Broadway shows and movies, he’d buy me all the clothes and toys I wanted, he’d read me bedtime stories and sing lullabies when I had nightmares. He grew ill and he died.”

“Oh my God…” Alex whispered.

“Yeah, um...I didn’t take it that well. My mother and I weren’t really that close, so I didn’t really go to her for comfort. I locked myself in my room all day. My sisters tried to cheer me up, but I was quickly falling into a deep depression. Then one day...I made a mistake...I made myself think it was my fault he got sick and died. I was sick the same week he got sick. I thought I was the cause of his death and I felt like I needed to do something to pay for what I did to my father, so I…”

“No…” Alexander squeezed Thomas tighter.

“I found some of dad’s old razors...I started slitting my wrists and wearing long sleeves to hide them from my family,” Thomas’ tears fell again as he showed Alexander the scars that hadn’t faded. Alex’s breath hitched as his own tears started to fall. “It took me three years to stop...but by then, there was a voice in my head telling me I was better off dead...I attempted to kill myself with an overdose, but...thank God for Jemmy. He saved my life and he’s always been by my side since that day. I thought he would leave me after that, but no...he stayed by me, protected me, defended me, supported me…...he truly is my best friend.”

The room was silent afterwards, except from the tiny sniffles coming from Alexander.

“ okay, Alex?” Thomas asked.

“Thomas...I’m so sorry for all of the insults and debates and making you think I hated you and-”

Thomas interrupted Alex by dragging his chin up to reach his face and giving him a loving kiss. Once he released, he wiped off Alex’s tears and smiled at him.

“You helped too,” he commented.

“I did?” Alex asked confusedly.

“You kept my mind off of everything by making me think of comebacks,” Thomas replied. “You kept my mind busy, kept it sharp. I probably wouldn’t have made it without you debating with me.”

Alexander smiled and kissed Thomas again. “I’m glad I could help.”


“So...Thomas and I have something to tell you guys,” Alexander announced to the group in front of them.

John, Lafayette, Hercules, Burr, and James were all sitting around in Thomas and Alex’s apartment room. John raised a curious eyebrow, Lafayette had a glint in his eyes signifying he had an idea of what was going on, Hercules looked tired since they woke him up from his nap, and James was on Burr’s lap waiting to hear this important announcement.

Thomas and Alexander looked at each other and smiled.

“We’re dating,” Thomas told everyone.

“FINALLY!!” Lafayette jumped up and engulfed them into a tight embrace. “Congratulations, mes amis! And Thomas, I better be the best man at your wedding!”

Thomas and Alexander blushed at the mention of weddings. Lafayette released his hug and smiled at the two as he sat back down between John and Hercules.

“Congratulations...I’m glad the two of you are getting along,” John smiled a little. “I’m happy for you.”

“You took my advice then?” James asked Thomas.

“I, uh...I kinda found out when he was telling the dog about how perfect I am,” Alex laughed and Thomas blushed even harder. “He was practically fangirling.”

“Was not,” Thomas pouted.

“With my beautiful dark brown eyes you can stare in all day? My hair so long and silky you can run your hand through it forever? My voice so perfect you could listen to me talk all day? My smile so enchanting? My laugh-”

“Okay! Okay, we get it!” Thomas screeched embarrassedly.

“Congratulations, Alexander,” Aaron smiled. “I didn’t think you’d ever move on from your stupid rivalry.”

“Congrats,” Hercules offered and yawned, “but I don’t believe anything until I see some proof.”

Thomas and Alexander looked at each other, not hesitating on leaning in and kissing each other lovingly. They forgot there were other people in the room and embraced each other tightly. The kiss went deeper than needed. Alexander bit Thomas’s bottom lip, making him squeak and open his mouth to allow Alex’s tongue to enter his mouth. The world disappeared around them every time they kissed, so when they heard Hercules yell, “Okay, that’s enough proof for me!” they panicked and Thomas accidentally bit Alexander’s tongue.

“Ow! God f**king!” Alex cried holding his mouth.

“Oh my God, I’m so sorry!” Thomas panicked and tried to make sure his boyfriend was okay.

“It’sssss okay, ah!” Alex yelped in pain.

“What happened?” John asked concerned.

“I bit his tongue because Mulligan scared me,” Thomas hugged Alex tightly. “I’m so sorry, love.”

“I’ll be fine,” Alex whimpered.

“My strong, brave, small man,” Thomas placed a kiss on Alex’s forehead.

“Shut up,” Alex laughed and leaned on Thomas’ chest. Lafayette couldn’t hold back his squeal.

“You guys are so cute!”

“Yeah...adorable,” John muttered as he stood up. “I’m gonna go. I have some work to do. Congratulations, you two. I hope you’re happy.”

John walked out the door. Everyone could feel a weird vibe coming from him, but no one commented on it.


(1163 words)

Anyone else getting jealous vibes from John? Just you wait. Anyway, that's all for today. Love you guys, and see you Monday! Hope you enjoyed, you know what to do if you did, and see ya!

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