Chapter 5: The End of the World

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Hey, didn't take long to miss the schedule, whoops. But hey, you get your update on Mother's Day, so that's a thing. Happy Mother's Day to all of you amazing mothers out there! Anyway, I hope you enjoy!


It was five minutes after Burr had left when Alexander heard the water from the shower cut off and a tired sigh from Thomas. Alex was going to shower after he was done, so he decided to get some clothes ready for himself. As he was getting his clothes, he could hear Thomas curse.

“You okay in there?” Alex called confused.

“Alex, can you do me a favor?” Thomas asked.

“What do you want?” Alex raised an eyebrow.

“I need some clothes. I forgot to grab some before I came in here.” Alex instantly blushed. If he’d grab clothes for Thomas, he’d see his body in all of its glory. “Hurry up, it’s cold!”

“Okay, okay!” Alex jogged over to Thomas’ dresser and picked out a pair of boxers, a faded tee shirt, and some comfortable looking purple sweatpants.

He braced himself as he opened the door to the bathroom. He wasn’t ready for this. Alex froze and stared at the tall man with the towel wrapped around his waist, beautiful, fit torso, and look at that chest, where his wet curls extended down to his shoulders. Thomas raised an eyebrow, noticing the obvious staring.

“Alexander, you’re drooling,” he teased and Alex blinked out of his trance.

“Huh? Oh, are your stupid clothes,” Alex stammered and wiped his mouth in case there was drool.

There wasn’t.

Thomas laughed, “Thanks, you can stay and watch my sexy self get dressed.”

“No! I’m leaving! Hurry up, I’m taking a shower next,” Alexander left the bathroom in a hurry, listening to Thomas’ beautiful laughter.

Man, he had it bad. What was wrong with him? What had changed? Thomas Jefferson was his enemy. He despised him and his stupid opinions. Thomas Jefferson was the bane of his existence! He was always wrong and tried to argue that he wasn’t. He was a rich, pompous, show-off who didn’t care about anyone but himself. Everyone knew about their rivalry. They were known as “those guys who just can’t get along.”

Now they were calling each other by their first names, being nice to each other, taking care of a puppy that Thomas Jefferson allowed him to keep. Alexander let Thomas name him, despite the stupid name he decided on. He was finding himself wanting to hear Thomas’ voice whenever he could, waiting to hear him say ‘Alexander’ in his Southern drawl, something he now loved. He found himself watching him play with Macaroni with such fondness.

The bathroom door opened and Thomas emerged in all of his glorious beauty. His hair was loosely braided, the clothes Alex picked out for him looked great on him, and were those glasses?

“I didn’t know you wore glasses,” Alex commented.

“I’m not going anywhere today, so there’s no reason to put my contacts in,” Thomas shrugged and flopped onto his bed. Macaroni instantly ran over to Thomas and requested to be picked up. Thomas obliged. “Hey, buddy.”

Alexander watched as Thomas rubbed the puppy lovingly. “You’re growing fond of him,” Alex teased.

“Shut up,” Thomas rolled his eyes. “You just hog him all day, so it’s my turn. Go take your shower.”

“I was on my way,” Alex scoffed and left to the bathroom.

Once Thomas heard the water running, Thomas sighed and looked toward the pup.

“Why do I suddenly have a change of heart for my roommate?” he asked Macaroni. “We hate each other, yet...I think I’m slowly falling for him, Macaroni. Oh God...I’m falling for my enemy.”

Thomas reached for his phone and instantly texted James.

To James: help pls

To Thomas: wats wrong now?

To James: the world is ending!

To Thomas: and my name isnt james.

To James: can you take this srsly!?!?!

To Thomas: u still havent told me the problem…

To James: i like hamilton.

To Thomas: ok???

To James: as in ‘more than like’ him.

To Thomas: and the problem is???

To James: jemmy, hes my enemy! im not supposed 2 like my enemy!!

To Thomas: its fine, thomas, ppl can hav a change of <3.

To James: JEMMY!!!

To Thomas: THOMAS!!!!

To James: ur not helping!

To Thomas: just tell him how u feel.

To James: thats the worst idea!

To James: hes gonna freaking laugh @ me!

To Thomas: u dont kno til u try…

To James: ugh, im not gonna confess to hamilton tht i luv him, thts insane!

To Thomas: well then die alone.

To Thomas: gtg, aaron’s taking me out 4 lunch.

To James: dont leave me here!

To Thomas: ugh, ur so dramatic, youll b fine, i promise.

To James: fine, go leave with ur lamea** bf…

To Thomas: do u hav 2 b so mean? look, aaron just told me tht alex likes u 2. he told him wen u were n the shower. just give it a shot. wat hav u got 2 lose?

To Thomas: but i rlly gtg now, so stop txting me.

Thomas sighed and turned off his phone. He looked down at Macaroni, who was just cuddled in his lap. The water for the shower turned off and Thomas knew Alex was done with his shower. He took a deep breath and placed the pup on his bed.

It took awhile before Alexander came out of the bathroom, a towel on his head and clothes on his body. Thomas smiled before Alexander looked at him and blushed.

“What are you looking at?” he asked while he finished drying his hair.

“Nothing, just heard you coming out,” Thomas shrugged and pushed his bulky glasses more onto his face.

Alexander rolled his eyes and sat next to Thomas to grab Macaroni. Thomas just watched Alexander as he gently played with the small puppy.


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Well, I've done my good deed for today! About to go to the pool in Orlando!!! Sooooo excited! And later we're going to Dave and Busters and so hyped for it!! I just love vacationing!! I'll see you guys tomorrow when I update! You know what to do if you enjoyed this! Love you guys, see ya!

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