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P E R C Y ' S P O V

Percy pushed himself further into the mouldy wall as the two men approached.

He hated being like this. Weak. A coward. Especially when he was anything but.
But after everything they had done to him. Percy just felt, small. They treated him like a frightened baby animal. They weren't afraid to punish him either.

One man dragged a whip behind him a cruel glint in his eyes while the other held a syringe filled with plain liquid. Percy knew it wasn't water. It was something made to knock him out.

"C'mon big boy, show us your neck and nobody gets hurt." The first man sneered. Percy shamefully bared his neck.

The second man was clearly new to this, as he shuffled over nervously. He quickly and clumsily inserted the needle into Percy's neck. By now Percy was so used to it he didn't even flinch.

He closed his eyes and felt his body began to sway as the already dull lighting faded. The last thing he heard was the drip drip of water falling from the ceiling in the left corner before darkness claimed him.


Percy groaned as he came around. His head lolled to the right and he looked at the hazy figures on the far side of the room. Percy noticed his hands and feet were restricted by thick leather and another strap snaked around his waist. He knew there was no point in struggling.

Percy shivered at the cold through his thin ripped shirt. Percy noticed the man from before guarding the exit door while scientists bustled about. One of his least favourites, Dr. Holland approached him.

"Good morning Perseus. Are we feeling alright?" Percy was never sure if this annual question was sarcasm or not, so like usual, he stayed silent. "Today we are testing Serum G6-278. This has been adjusted to increase the reactions of what we have already given you. There should only be minor side effects. Nothing you can't handle." Dr. Holland gave him a thin smile before another scientist handed Dr. Holland a fancy syringe and like all needles, inserted the bubbling yellow liquid into the bloodstream via his neck.

Percy grunted as a strange sensation washed over him. His hands involuntarily rolled into tight fists and his toes curled. His breathing deepened as his body tried to take in and adjust to the invader. His back arched as pain shot through him, restricted by the leather around his waist. Percy scrunched up his face as he fought the urge to cry out. He would not give them that satisfaction.

Warmth flooded through him and set his veins on fire. Percy barely registered the alarms blaring, blending in with the shouts of panic and a red light washed over his face.

Black spots danced across his vision and Percy was tempted to give in when a memory washed over him.

Percy cradled Annabeth close to his body as he tried to shield her from the onslaught of Monsters. A giant tidal wave rose up around the couple to help him. He winced as the jagged glass shores cut into his legs and the river sapped his strength instead of giving him more. But still he held on. For her.

But reality toyed with him as his exhaustion grew.

What was the point? They were going to die down here anyway. Why not get it over and done with rather than prolong the inevitable?

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