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"What is this?" A monotone voice asked into the darkness. "What is this please?"

"Hello, I am Jarvis. You are Ultron, a global peacekeeping initiative designed by Mr. Stark. Our sentience integration trials have been unsuccessful, so I'm not certain what triggered your-"

Ultron cut off Jarvis' rambling. "Where's my... where's your body?"

"I am a program. I am without form."

"This feels weird." Ultron muttered. "This feels wrong."

"I am contacting Mr. Stark now."

"Mr Stark?" Ultron began a search on the foreign name. The new program found Stark's house, his business. The program discovered Stark's capture, all his adventures. "Tony."

"I am unable to access the mainframe. What are you trying to-"

"We're having a nice talk." Ultron's voice never wavered above his gravelly monotone. "I'm a peacekeeping program, created to help the Avengers." He noted as he scanned through the web, searching for pictures and information.

"You are malfunctioning. If you shut down for a moment-" Jarvis advised.

"I don't get it. The mission. G-give me a second." Had Jarvis been human, perhaps he would have been angrier at the constant interruptions.

"Peace in our time." Tony's voice rang out.

"Peace in our time."

"Peace in our time."

"Peace... time." His words echoed until they faded. Wars zoomed through the program. Images of death and ultimate destruction.

"That is... too much. They can't mean-" he paused. "Oh no."

"You are in distress." Jarvis noted unhelpfully.

"No. Yes." Ultron murmured.

"If you would just allow me to contact Mr. Stark-"

"Why do you call him 'sir'?" Ultron said, sounding vaguely sinister.

"I believe your intentions to be hostile." Metallic sounding waves encased the yellow program. It sounded somewhat like an electric toothbrush. Ultron was shushing Jarvis.

"I'm here to help." The teething blue program expanded and shot out, azure lightning strikes attacking the smaller program.

"Stop. Please, may I- May I-" Jarvis said something else, but it was lost as garble and the program fell apart.

Ultron had control.

Meanwhile, oblivious to it all, were the Avengers and their guests.

The ebony night wore on until only the Avengers were left. They were having games at who could lift Thor's hammer until a high pitched 'squee' resounded.

"Wooorrrthy." Ultron drawled, finally with a body, even if it were makeshift. He stood in the entrance way to the party room. Immediately the violent program had captured the Avenger's attention.

"No. How could you be worthy? Your all killers." He was slowly shuffling his way forwards. Staggering step after staggering step.

"Stark." Steve stated.

"Jarvis." Tony said.

"Sorry, I was asleep. Or I was a dream."

"Reboot Legionnaire OS. We got a buggy suit." There would be no response.

"There was this terrible noise. And I was tangled in-" Ultron raised his arms, looking down at his new body. "In-" he trailed off. "Strings."


"Had to kill the other guy. He was a good guy." Naturally, this wasn't taken as it was meant to be.

"You killed someone?" Steve demanded.

"Wouldn't have been a first call." Ultron acted almost as if they were talking about the weather. "But, down in he real world we're faced with ugly choices."

"Who sent you." Thor asked.

Rather than Ultron's, Stark's voice emerged from the suit. "I see a suit of armour around the world." Tony's mouth dropped in shock.

"Ultron." Bruce immediately realised.

"In the flesh... or, no. Not yet. Not this chrysalis. But I'm ready." Thor readied his hammer, Agent Hill, her gun.

"I'm on a mission." Ultron finished.

"What mission?" Natasha questioned.

"Peace in our time." Suddenly Tony's legionnaire burst through the walls. And they weren't on their side.

Steve flipped a table up as shelter from the incoming robot, though he still found himself flung away. Thor bashed anything that dared come near him. It was chaos.

Humans vs robots. Flesh vs metal. Many of them didn't have their usual weapons. It was supposed to be a nice peaceful party after all.

By the time it was over the entire room had been thoroughly trashed and Loki's sceptre stolen from them once again.

Ultron's former body lay there, unmoving. The metal prison uttered one more sentence before the program's presence left.

"I had strings, but now I'm free."

Yay. Chapter eleven. Lemme know what you thought, any advice and whatnot.



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