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"I'm going too." Percy stood defiantly. This was his chance. It was make or break. Fight and take down a HYDRA base or stay running forever. He needed to try. He needed to be there. He had to make these Avengers and S.H.I.E.L.D trust him. Make them believe the he wasn't the enemy. Merely a victim caught in the crossfire.

"You will be doing no such thing, Jackson." Ooo. There's the last name.

"I can fight. I want to help take them down."

"No. If you get caught then it's game over. For you anyway."

"I am not a child. I can handle myself. In case something happens, send an agent with me. They pick me up and pull me away if necessary!" Percy argued. This was the one thing he wasn't backing down from.

"And whom do you suppose I should send Jackson?" Fury asked, possibly thinking over the idea. The other Avengers had already left the room, suiting up.

"Send her." Percy demanded, pointing at Maria Hill. Fury was silent for a moment. He looked at Hill.

"Agent Hill, what is your take on this?"

"I just follow orders, Sir." She informed.

"Very well. You may have your way this time. Agent Hill, you are to make sure he does not fall into enemy hands again. Am I understood?"

"Yes Sir."

"Good. Dismissed the both of you. Go join up with the Avengers."

Percy and Agent Hill left the room. Fury watched them leave, hoping he hadn't made a mistake.


"Wow, wow, wow, kid. Hold it. What are you doing here. You're not coming."

"Yeah, actually I am." Percy stated, standing tall. He would go through with this. Tony looked at Agent Hill incredulously.

"I am going to make sure nothing goes wrong." She said, confirming it.

"You can either roll with it or get out of my way Stark. Pick one." Percy brushed past an open mouthed Tony Stark. Percy felt proud of his bravery, but it was quickly squashed at the thought of becoming too much like Soldier. Percy decked himself in the S.H.I.E.L.D uniform that Agent Hill had given him.

"Hey Capsicle. Can you believe this? He's going with us! How do we know he won't-"

"Leave it Tony. I'm sure he'll be fine." Steve reassured Tony, trying to hide the doubts he himself had. "Alright crew! Let's go take down this base!" He yelled. Everyone piled after him.


It was chaos. Natasha drove a vehicle, avoiding trees and running HYDRA agents at the same time while Clint shot arrows from the top, ignoring the slight temptation to graze Tony, who flew beside them, shootings laser beams from his Iron Man suit.

Thor struck from the sky with his famous hammer, Mjolnir, carrying a battle cry the echoed loud and clear. He destroyed the lookout tower with few hits to each enemy agent.

Steve wore his shield on his back for protection, throwing it when enemies were near. Steve rode his motorcycle through the battle, catching people and dragging them behind him.

Bruce Banner had long since become the Hulk. And he- well, he did what he did best. He smashed things.

Percy and Agent Hill worked back to back, fending for themselves.

Over the coms Tony swore. "Language." Came Steve's almost instant reply. "JARVIS, what's the view from upstairs?" They needed a view point. There was something that prevented them from getting in, and it was of utmost importance that they managed it.

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