O N E - S H O T ~ H I ?

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O N E - S H O T ~ H I ? Requested by @BooksWRITEdrawREAD "Percy and Loki meeting the Avengers again. Just think about how awkward that would be."

"We need to go shopping." Loki stated.

Percy looked up in surprise. "But I went shopping yesterday."

"Yeah, but you forgot some stuff." Loki fidgeted. After the scenario two days ago, Loki had been avoiding the subject of food cravings.

"You want more food don't you." Percy deadpanned.

"Maybe." Loki looked away.

"Go shopping yourself then. I'm busy." Percy said from where he was lying spread out on the couch.

"Real busy." Loki said emotionlessly. "Besides, I have yet to understand the American currency."

"Take the time to learn then." Percy snorted.

"But then I feel like everybody's staring at me and getting really annoyed as I try to work out the correct amount and-"

Knowing Loki, when he got worked up like this there was no stopping his rambling until you comply.

Percy threw his head back and groaned. "Fiiiine."

And so they went into the city, shopping for things to satisfy Loki's food cravings.

But the people they saw in the supermarket made things more awkward than Loki's money problems.

The Avengers.

And as one does, Percy yanked on Loki's collar, pulling him into the nearest isle. Loki hadn't seen them yet and they were suddenly awfully close.

"You want to do this in public? I mean, I don't have a problem with it, it just makes things a little more exciting, but I didn't take you as somebody into-"

Percy clamped a hand hastily over Loki's mouth. "Shut up." He hissed.

Loki promptly licked Percy's hand, making the demigod recoil in disgust, furiously wiping the spit off on Loki's jacket.

"Oh please, you put up with a lot more spit than that with no complaints." Loki scoffed. Percy went bright red.

"Oh just be quiet would you!?"

"Guys, I swear I heard a familiar voice this way." The loud voice of Tony Stark said.

And finally Loki shut up.

Percy glared at Loki as the Avengers rounded the corner. Well, not all the Avengers. They were missing Bruce and Thor.

"Hey, how've you guys been? You both just disappeared." Tony grinned throwing his arms up as if he wanted a hug. Both Percy and Loki simultaneously backed away slightly. Tony gained a hurt expression.

"Well, we aren't dead... surprise." Percy waved his fingers in a pathetic attempt at jazz hands.

"What happened after we parted ways?" Steve asked.

"A lot of stuff." Percy pointedly avoided looking at Loki.

"Hey you should come join us!" Tony grinned. "We're having a reunion sort of thing at the tower."

"Oh no. We are not being dragged into some crazy shenanigans again. Not now." Loki stated, gripping Percy's hand and tugging him away down the isle. There was a certain section he was visiting before they left.

"Oh come on. It'll be fun." Tony nagged, walking behind them. Percy could see Loki's jaw grinding.

"Just leave them alone. It'd be a far better party without them." Clint grumbled.

"I see your love for me has only grown." Loki threw back sarcastically.

"Just ignore him. Natasha's out getting pizza." Steve said, placing a hand on Clint's shoulder.

"Yeah. There'll be a few extra people I suppose. I mean, it wouldn't be a party with just these sore losers. Get laid, loosen up." Tony patted Loki's back and the god flinched. Percy and Loki avoided looking at each other. "And if you can't find somebody, then just have a few drinks."

"No thank you." Loki's voice came out cold. He wasn't drinking anything of such poison. Not now.

"Percy? C'mon. Whataya say?" Tony tried to appeal to Percy. But if Loki didn't want to go, then neither did he. Nothing Tony said could change his mind.

Eventually the couple just took to ignoring the people who had very quickly become their stalkers.

Loki growled softly as he felt Tony leaning over his shoulder, peering down at the objects Loki was pulling off the shelf.

"What do you need all of those for?"

"Stuff." Loki was absolutely not about to tell Tony that he was pregnant.

"Well who eats that shit?" Tony raised an eyebrow looking at the odd assortment of food.

Loki snapped, turning around gripping Tony's collar.

"Fuck. Off." He growled.

Percy laid a hand on Loki's shoulder, gentle but firm. They didn't need to cause a scene here. "Ignore them, if you've got what you need then just leave."

Loki slowly unraveled his fingers from Tony's collar. The couple walked away towards the checkout where Percy paid for the food and Loki watched curiously. As they were walking out the door, finally the shock wore off.

"Uh... nice talk! We'll stop by some time!" Tony yelled out hesitantly.

"Oh gods please don't." Percy's muttered under his breath.

But of course things wouldn't pan out that way.

But that was a story for another time.


Ta da.

Did I meet your standards?

Haha. Don't you love being the eleventh wheel at a sleepover party... 😪 there's just me... sitting alone inside a tire swing... guarding the jackets...

One of my friends walked past and had a heart-attack, thinking I was Pennywise

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One of my friends walked past and had a heart-attack, thinking I was Pennywise...



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