C H A P T E R T W E N T Y - T H R E E

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Loki had fallen asleep. The next time he woke, it was to the startling sensation of falling.

Loki began to panic, his mind flashing back to what had lead to his demise. Giant iris purple monster taunting him. Threatening him. Causing him more pain than he thought he could ever feel.

"Loki! Calm down!" Thor's voice yelled at him over the roar of the wind.

"Thor? What am I- What are you doing!?" Much to his distaste, Thor carried him bridal style as they descended onto a floating piece of Midgard?

"Perseus needs you." Loki blinked.

What would that child need with him?

"Apparently that thing still controls him." That was all Loki needed to know. He was being used again.

Again and again and again and again.

Perseus wouldn't even be aware of him.

"Rogers." Thor announced as he landed.

"Thor." Steve panted. He had no idea where Percy had gotten a sword from, but he certainly knew how to use it. His spandex was tattered and turning red at the edges with blood. But even then, Steve could still tell Percy was toying with him.

Clint had disappeared a while ago to go help Wanda.

Thor put Loki down just as a flash of bronze swung down on them in a wide arc.

Thor intercepted with his hammer. Loki stood up and placed his hands gently on Percy's cheeks, startling the demigod.

"Some protection of that isn't too much to ask." Loki raised an eyebrow at Thor, who stood there looking quite stupid if you asked him.

Percy blinked before moving to attack. A bubble appeared around the two, trapping them in a reasonable sized space. Percy managed to get free of Loki.

He began furiously attacking the wall, but nothing so much as twitched. Loki sat in the centre and watched. Everything outside moved in slow motion.

He'll figure it out. Even out of control, he'll figure it out.

And Percy soon did. He turned to Loki with a vicious snarl.

Loki smiled softly to himself. He's more intelligent than people give him credit for. He'd know many a person to assume that somebody from outside had trapped them. Or that they were strong enough to break the prison.

Percy charged at Loki, his features transformed into a mass of anger.

But Soldier made him clumsy. Now Soldier had a conscience. He was susceptible to emotions. Anger was one of the best downfalls.

Loki grabbed Percy's wrist, flipped him over his shoulder and slammed him into the ground. Loki straddled the demigod to keep him from escaping, trapping his arms above his head to keep him from reaching for Riptide. Loki's feet looped over Percy's legs, just under his knees. If Percy tried to escape hard enough, he could dislocate them.

"Now are you willing to listen?" Loki raised an eyebrow. Percy growled lowly. "Oh please. I know you're not that much of an animal."

Loki moved quickly, placing one of his hands on Percy's forehead. Loki channeled his magic into Percy's mind.

He marvelled at the change.

The once strong walls were crumbling, falling into a murky darkness.

Just what did Ultron do to you?

Loki retraced his steps. His footsteps had burned green into the ground. It was evidence that Percy wanted to be found.

"Look at you." Loki sighed when he found him.

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