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"What happened to him?" Pietro asked, staring at the seemingly bipolar man before him.

"He had a brain damage that prevented him from following orders correctly, so to help him we fixed a few things." Dr. Holland lied smoothly. Pietro wasn't quite sure he believed the man. Not after what he'd heard. But it wasn't his business, so he shrugged it off. Pietro let go of Soldier and offered a hand to help the teenager up. Soldier shrugged it off, opting to stand up himself.

The look on Soldier's face scared Pietro. Never had he seen a mans face look so blank, but cold and cruel and the same time. But there was something, something in those swirling ocean eyes. Pietro thought it looked a lot like sadness. Sadness and resignation as if the teen trapped inside had given up on trying to escape his fate.

"Soldier, you are to go and help the Enhanced female deal with the Avengers." Dr. Holland ordered. Soldier nodded and started marching off towards the main building.

"Wanda's in trouble?" Pietro said more to himself than the despicable man before him. Before anyone could mutter another word, Pietro was off, chasing Soldier.


Wanda jumped when someone she'd never seen before placed their hand on her shoulder. She whipped around with a hand fired up with scarlet magic. The teen simply eyed it with interest.

So this is the female Enhanced.

"Who are you?" Wanda said shakily. She couldn't hit him with her magic yet, for she was scared what his grip would do to her shoulder. He didn't seem fazed in the slightest by her magic either.

"Wanda, he's on our side." Pietro said. If it wasn't for the slight ripple in the air, he might as well have been standing there the whole time, unnoticed.

"Our side? I haven't seen him before." Wanda eyed Soldier suspiciously.

"He came in with the enemies. But after seeing that weird doctor that's been hanging around lately, uhm, Perseus I think he's called, he's been on our side." Pietro tried explaining to his twin sister. Supposedly. He thought.

"Why can't he tell me this himself?" Wanda said.

Soldier didn't take the hint. Taking his hand off her shoulder he walked up to the dazed billionaire and swiftly punched him in the face, sending him crashing to the ground.

Tony gasped and sat up right. "What-what happened- Percy?" Tony's eyes widened as he took in the strange but familiar teen in front of him.

Soldier bent down and pulled Tony up by the scruff of his collar with ease.

Percy knew what was coming next. He rattled the bars in his fortress, screamed to be let free.

Don't kill him. Don't kill him. No!

Tony gaped at the finger holes in his shoulder before searing pain hit.

"I didn't think we could trust you." Tony managed before blacking out.

Percy sat relieved in his dark cell. But one problem remained. Why didn't Soldier kill him? What makes this man so special? Is it because he's an Avenger?

Percy shivered, dispelling all following thoughts. Soldier's idea of interrogation was gruesome. Like any robot, Soldier had no humanity and a stomach for anything. Things Percy did not have.

"Perseus...?" The Norse god asked, staring at the boy who stood over Tony's body.

Percy felt like he could cry. Help me. Stop it. Stop this. Leave. STOP ME!

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