O N E S H O T ~ W H Y N O T ! ?

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O N E S H O T ~ W H Y N O T ! ? - Requested by @Freakyfastreader7 "I want Loki craving blue cookies but Percy won't give them to him, so he starts throwing things."

"Peeeeercy." There was a whining voice right in his ear. Percy groaned and rolled over, ignoring it.

However, Loki merely draped himself over Percy's side, squishing Percy into the mattress. "Peeeeercyyyy."

Percy growled. "What do you want!?" He snapped, finally he looked up to Loki's pleading gaze.

"I want food." Loki stated promptly.

"Then go get some yourself. Get off me." It was still dark out and Percy had been sleeping pleasantly for once. He intended to make the most of it. Or he would, should Loki leave him be.

"But I don't want that food." Loki pouted, resting his head in Percy's neck.

"Well tough then. What time is it?" Percy looked over at the flashing clock.


"Really!?" Percy cried in frustration. "Go back to sleep, Loki."

"But I'm hungry."

"I don't care."

"Make me food."


"But I want your blue cookies." Loki groaned, feigning immense hunger.

"Good for you. Wait until it's a reasonable hour." Percy glowered, not in the mood.

Suddenly a blinding light flooded the room. "Loki! What're you doing!" Percy yelped, shielding his eyes.

"Look at the time Percy." Loki goaded slowly.

Percy figured that if he complied then he'd get to sleep again. So he cracked open an eye and looked at the time once more.


"Really." Percy deadpanned.

"You read wrong. It said PM not AM." Loki smirked. "So get up." He grabbed Percy's wrist to drag him up but Percy returned with just as much strength, pulling Loki on top of him- which Loki wasn't expecting.

Suddenly the clock returned to normal and the room was dark once more.

"Your illusions don't fool me, Loki." He whispered in Loki's ear. The Asgardian Prince shivered. Then he was pushed aside. "Now go to sleep."

"Peeeercy. Don't you love me?" Loki pleaded.

"Right now I'm loving sleep more. Screw off."

"Screw you." Loki huffed. After a few peaceful minutes of sulking Loki had an idea. A grin slid onto his face.

He just needed some ammo.

In the corner of the room, was a bundle of gifted stuffed toys.

Too lazy to get out of bed, Loki flicked a figure at one of the toys. It was a baby blue bear. It rose slowly into the air, and then at Loki's command it flung itself at Percy, nailing him in the head.

Percy shot up, rubbing his head. The hard nose on the bear had hit him. "Oww! What the hell, Loki!?"


Percy threw the bear at Loki, which the god caught. Without another word Percy rolled over and went back to trying to sleep.

That is, until he was hit with another projectile. He growled but otherwise ignored it.

They soon came in a higher number and with more intensity. Percy was sure he'd be sporting a few new bruises by tomorrow morning.

Oh wait. It was morning. And whose fault was that?

Oh right.


He sat up and glowered at Loki. He didn't fail to notice the floating line of stuffed toys behind Loki.

"I swear to the gods, if you through another one of those bloody toys at me, then-" he was cut off.

By a stuffed toy, right in the face.

Loki gave him a childish grin, trying to portray a look of innocence. But Percy wasn't having it.

He dove at Loki, tackling him into the mattress.

Distraction. Distraction works right?

Percy straddled Loki at the hips, forcing the god's hands above his head. Percy intertwined their fingers so Loki couldn't summon forth anymore stuffed animals. Percy rested his head in Loki's neck, breathing softly.

"Please, Loki? Can you please let me sleep?" Percy asked quietly.

"No." Loki took pleasure in saying so. If Percy wouldn't give him what he wanted, then the little demigod isn't getting what he wants either.

"Loki." Percy warned, his voice an irritated growl.

"Percy." Loki said back, trying to keep the laugh out of his voice.

He didn't actually need his hands to make things float, it was just easier to control small things.

Now the bed, however...

Percy yelped as the bed lifted off the ground, lurching dangerously to one side. The bed sheets tangled around him, ensuring he didn't fall off.

"You may sleep now." Loki grinned.

Well of course Percy couldn't sleep now!

"For Hades sake! What do you want!?" Percy yelled. Was peace and quiet too much to ask for?

"You know what I want." Loki said expectantly.

"Fine! Just put us down." Loki complied immediately.

Percy crawled out of bed, mumbling and cursing under his breath.

Nearing the doorway something a lot harder crashed against the back of his back. It was Percy's wallet.


"What can I say? My hand slipped."


"Call It interest for resisting so long then." Loki smiled.

"Do you want blue cookies or not?"

Loki shut up after, "Yes Sir."

Percy sighed and shook his head.

Oh what am I to do?


Ta da.

Did I satisfy your request?



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