C H A P T E R T W E N T Y - T W O

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Robots rose from the ground . Each an expendable version of the true enemy, Ultron.

They swarmed the city, patrol from both ground and sky. Each a single target in mind.

The Avengers.

Screams erupted as people scrambled to escape. Smoke coated the air, stifling people's vision.

The fight had begun.

"Go!" Steve yelled.

Dodge. Twist. Smash.

"Move along, quickly now." Clint ushered civilians, arrow nocked and ready.

Aim. Fire. Destroy.

"Get off the bridge!" Wanda yelled, shoving people back.

Push. Brace. Defend.

"Ultron." Vision said as he descended. Ultron rose part way to greet him.

"My Vision. They really did take everything from me."

"You set the terms. You can change them."

"Alright." Ultron rushed forwards, seizing Vision's neck in an unbreakable grip. Vision raised his hands and planted them on Ultron's head, stuck like a magnet.

Ultron gasped. Codes flashed inside his mind. Slowly, his controlled blue was overridden by a sea of yellow. They tumbled over and over each other across the church. Tony had long since left after hearing the battle begin.

Each Avenger found themselves preoccupied with staying alive as robots attacked them from all angles.

Vision burned Ultron out of the internet. Now Ultron had two options. Win, or lose. Win and continue as the victor of the world. Or lose, and suffer defeat at the hands of those he hates. To be turned to scraps melted into nothing.

Vision was knocked away by a blast of water.

"Who are you?" Vision asked the dark haired male on the ground. He received no answer.

"You shut me out!" Ultron yelled, charging at Vision. Water snaked around Vision's hands and ankles, freezing and locking him in place midair. "You think I care?"

Ultron broke the restraints and pushed Vision into the ground. "So you decided to join me did you?"

Percy blinked. His eyes flowed a vibrant red.

He had made a reappearance.

"I see." Ultron mused. "I thought I detected something strange about you. Something like us lurking in your mind." Percy said nothing. "I have this one. Go out and destroy the Avengers."

Soldier forced a sinister smile onto its host's face.


The land is floating. I did not expect that. Soldier mused.

"Percy?" Steve's eyes widened. "What are you-" a tan hand around his neck, choking him with an iron grip.

Steve saw red as Percy's face came close.

"What. Is this?" Steve rasped. Percy dropped Steve as an arrow protruded from his arm.

"Soldier? How? I thought Bruce removed that!" Clint yelled as he smashed another bot.

"Yeah, but Loki said something about it still being inside him!"


Steve's mind flashed back to the last time they had all been together.

"We need Loki." Percy demanded.

"What the hell do we need Loki for? We hate him. You should too." protested Tony. "Especially you!"

"It's not about what we want. It's about what we need to save the world."

Did Percy know?

If this is going to work, then we need to work together. Vision said as much.

Steve thought, recalling what Vision had said.

"I do not wish to kill Ultron. But he is the enemy of what I fight for. He will destroy. He will not hesitate. If we are to do this, not one of us can do it without the others."

"He's right." Steve muttered.


"I said Percy's right! We may actually need Loki! To stop him!"

"Okay, be honest with me here. How many robots have you been hit by?" Clint asked as they continued to fight. Percy was already coming closer, taking his time. He was in no hurry.

No. Soldier was coming closer.

"Thor." Steve said into the comms.


"We need Loki."

"How many robots have you been hit by?" Steve rolled his eyes.

"Percy is still being controlled. Loki can snap him out of it."

"Are you sure?"

"Just bring him."

Steve heard Thor swinging his hammer before Thor's comm became static.



Yay! Loki's coming!



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