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It had been three weeks. Three weeks since Soldier had taken over. It had said nothing but the bare essentials in that whole time, thoroughly ticking off everyone.

Just like me my ass.

Percy sat wearily, trapped in his own mind. He'd long since given up trying to break free of the control. All he could do was sit and watch the interactions between Soldier and these 'Avengers'.

There was this one of them, the redhead. There never seemed to be a time she wasn't watching him. Percy wasn't sure what to think of her. Should he be nervous that she could figure everything out? Or should he be happy about it? But there was one thing that was consistent. Percy had no idea what was coming next. That was what scared him the most. Fate could be cruel. Particularly to him.

"Hey Creepy Kid. Can you stop staring at the back of my face? I can feel you burning holes in my head."

Soldier barely twitched a muscle. Percy knew what Soldier was doing. Soldier was the same thing it had been doing the whole time. Scanning them, looking for anything it can bring up on them. Committing everything about the Avengers to its host's fickle memory.

Percy sighed as Soldier disregarded Tony's request. Soldier had no idea how to play "get cuddly". It was an installed robot for crying out loud!

"Honestly kid, it's creepy."


After a few moments Stark threw his hands in the air with exasperation before stomping away from the room.

Percy snorted. He would've punched the guy instead of storming off.

All of a sudden something felt off. His pulse raced and his skin tingled. Was he being given back control?

The control that he had lost so long ago? Control was something he had no power of, only those above him. Not even his powers were entirely his anymore. Control. Something that's there one moment and gone the next.

Is it finally coming back?

The key was in the lock, half turned. The cell bars of his mind would soon open, allowing his leave from the cramped room. They just needed a little push.

Percy grasped the mental bars and pushed, straining for his own control. His escape.

Almost immediately Percy flew through the door, and into the realm of control, something that was so rarely his.

The only physical evidence of the internal fight was when Percy's body heaved forwards as he regained control.

He noticed the redheads gaze on him again but both quickly looked away. He was yet to learn her name. As far as he knew from Soldier and the Doctor, she didn't have powers like the rest. He did know her superhero name. Black Widow.

But that didn't matter now.

He was free. He didn't even care that he could potentially be trapped in this Avengers building. One step at a time.

If this was his chance to escape Hydra's heads, he was sure as hell taking it.

Because they'd made two fatal mistakes. They'd let him out unsupervised.

Hi! So surprise, I'm still alive. (Trust me, it shock me too). Anyway, really short but I'm trying. I'm stuck for ideas and buried under school work.

I know, this chapter is the worst. I'm not happy with it and I'll change it later, but for now it works, so yeah.

Byeee! :D

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