O N E S H O T ~ V I S I T O R S

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O N E S H O T ~ V I S I T O R S - This is a combination of two different requests because I think they'll work well together. So this is a combination of BookwormMDCCCXIII 's request "Percy thinking their child won't like him and they won't be able to bond?" And @KelpHead987 's request "Have one of them telling the Avengers the big news. And attempting to explain how that works."

"Do you ever get doubts?" Percy spoke up suddenly.

They were just relaxing in bed, the morning light shifting through the curtains. Percy was lying there, arms wrapped around Loki from behind. It was something Loki was slowly becoming accustomed to.

"Doubts about what?" Loki asked.

"The child." Percy said.

"This child is mine- ours. I am not giving them up." Loki stated, protectiveness flaring.

"Yeah, but what if-"

"What if." Loki echoed. "It's always what if. Percy, we've had this talk already. You'll be a great dad and if anybody tells you otherwise, then direct them my way. I'll sort them out."

"But what if we don't get along."

It wasn't a new question. Just phrased differently. Last time was 'what if they don't like me?'


"What happens if we don't bond? I want to bond with my child. I want us to get along. I don't want to have the crappy relationship I had with half of my family. I want a relationship like I had with- with my mother."

Gods it hurt to think about her.

They'd overcome so many challenges together. Their bond was strong. She was his mother. He was her son. They had shared and created so many precious memories. Percy wanted a bond like that. But he wasn't sure he could obtain it. He didn't think he could earn it and he told Loki as much.

By the end of it he was crying, eyes splotchy and wet with tears. He hid his face in Loki's back. "They won't like me, I'd bet my life on it." Percy hiccuped.

"I wouldn't. I don't want to lose you so soon." Loki said softly, turning around in Percy's embrace.

"Yeah right." Percy mumbled. His head was now buried in the crook of Loki's neck.

There was a sudden knock at the door. Both lovers stiffened.

Monsters didn't knock.

Well, some did, but anyway.

The slid out of bed, Percy armed with his pen and Loki armed with, well, stuffed toys. It was the nearest thing and Loki knew it worked for ammo.

They looked at each other and Percy nodded in confirmation before pushing open the door and peering around.

"Well somebody's jumpy." An irritatingly familiar voice drawled.

"Tony." Percy deadpanned, putting his pen back in his pocket. He hastily wiped away the tears staining his cheeks, though he could not remove all evidence.

"How the hell do you know where we live!?" Loki demanded, storming up to the Man of Iron.

"Wasn't too hard to find with the right resources." Tony grinned, his answer frustratingly vague.

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