C H A P T E R T W E N T Y ~ E I G H T

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Percy opened his eyes. His vision was clear, despite the murky water. He gasped as he felt his bones slowly clicking back into place. The pain faded with his bruises and his broken skin knitted back together.

His blood swirled before his face. It didn't faze him. Not anymore. He knew he'd seen far to much of his own blood spill.

It amazed him. Just how much blood a human contained. How it always replenished itself, waiting for its bag to split open. Percy had split too many times.

But why was he here again? Why was he submerged in water? What happened?

Where am I?

He was falling. Crashing. With someone.

But who?


A face blurred in his minds eye. Shoulder length dark hair. Green eyes with a mischievous look to mask what lay beneath.

Who? Who?

They'd fallen together. They'd hit the water apart. Percy knew who he was. He knew what he could do. He could breathe here. It was his element after all.

Could the other man?

Find him. Find him now.

Percy closed his eyes. He spread his senses. He looked through the eyes of the creatures of the sea. He searched, and searched. For the only tie to his life he had. That he could remember at least.

Finally Percy found him. He concentrated on anything he could grasp. He could feel himself fading and began to panic.

No! Stop!

He disappeared. With a faint pop he appeared again. Percy released the breath he'd been holding. A bubble of air appeared around them. Him and the man.


What is his name?

There was no water in the man's lungs. However, there was an enchantment around him, preventing the water from flooding his system. Percy reached out for the man's cheek. Eyes fluttered beneath eyelids. Green eyes revealed themselves.

"Percy." He said. A memory resurfaced.

This man- no. This god had pulled him out of a coma. Saved him from something.

"Percy, you're really close." Percy blinked and jerked back when he realised just how close he'd been. The god chuckled and Percy felt his face flush with embarrassment.

"You're okay." Percy muttered. He still couldn't find a name.

"As are you, physically at least. What's wrong. I can sense your turmoil."

"I don't know. I don't know anything. Well, almost nothing, I know who I am, you're familiar and-"

"Stop." Percy shut up. "You have no memory?"

"Well I clearly still have something, because I recognise you and I know who I am."

"In that case, I believe introductions are in order. Hello Percy, I'm Loki, Norse God of Mischief." He held out his hand for the amnesiac boy to shake.

Percy took the hand firmly in his own. "Hello Loki, I'm Percy, son of Poseidon."

"Now what do you say we get back to the surface?" The grinned at each other.

At least I still remember something. Because Percy had a strange sense that this wasn't the first time something like this had happened.


It's short, but it's break time from packing, so I'm taking the time to write. I've gotta go, boxes of books are calling my name!



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