O N E S H O T ~ O U R F U T U R E

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In recent days Loki had become far more cuddly than usual and a lot more emotional.

Not that Percy minded of course, he loved being the center of Loki's affection.

Loki hummed delightedly as he wrapped his arms around his boyfriend's waist, resting his head on Percy's shoulder.

"Hello." Percy greeted Loki as he flipped the pan's contents over the stove.

It was breakfast time and Percy was on cooking duty. Although Percy had been helping him as of recent, Loki still cooked just as badly as the author.

"Morning, Darling." Percy's eyebrow rose at the unfamiliar pet name. The couple didn't often use them. "I wonder, do you notice anything different this morning?" Loki said. The Norse god was clearly hinting at something, but Percy wasn't sure what.

"No not real-" Loki pushed his stomach into Percy's back. "You got rounder." Percy said tactlessly.

Loki drew away, disappointed and burning red.

"If it's a problem you could always go for a run. I'll even join you." Loki bit his lip, holding back the disappointed tears. He couldn't believe Percy didn't get it. Yes, he didn't know, but the couple had talked about the possibility. Even given it a try as Loki's body could become that of a female's.

When Percy finally turned off the stove and turned around and noticed Loki's fragile state he was taken aback.

"Did I say something wrong?" The demigod asked nervously. Loki glowered at him and stormed away. It wasn't the best way to respond to the situation but Percy's reaction had hurt, even if Loki thought he was being a little over dramatic about it. But Loki was seriously self conscious about it. "Loki wait!" The son of Poseidon gave chase. "Loki!" Percy caught Loki's wrist.

Loki stared straight at Percy, deciding on just being blunt about it. "I'm pregnant!" He hissed.

Percy froze.

He stood like that for a solid few seconds trying to process his boyfriend's words. Loki began to fidget nervously but stopped when he noticed the uncontrollable smile that he couldn't help admire blow up on Percy's face.

"You're-" Loki nodded to the sentence Percy couldn't finish. "Gods, I'm sorry about what I said before." Percy cringed, guilt crashing down on him.

"I don't love you any less." Loki mumbled.

Percy tackled the Norse god into a hug, cautious of the barely noticeable bump and kissed him full on.

After they broke apart one thought popped into Percy's mind. "Man this will be awkward to explain when they grow up..."


Somebody wanted to see little children running around after my last one shot. Not yet, but soon.

For the record, I have no idea how this works because I have never been pregnant nor will I be for many years to come. Not to mention this is a little weird for me to write but anyway. *shrugs*.

Whale, I'm going to go sleep now. *stays quietly to see MythDefender 's response*.



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