C H A P T E R T W E N T Y - O N E

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"We're under attack! Clear the city! Now!" Pietro yelled, running into the police department. People looked up at the blue clad speedster in vague surprise. When Pietro sped off, they all shrugged and went back to their work.

A moment later the same man ran in, this time firing a rifle into the air several times. Everybody freaked, springing into action.

"Get off your asses." Pietro demanded. He handed the gun to a frightened officer and left.

In the city, Wanda walked among the crowd, blending in until she was the only one standing. Her magic forked it's way into the minds of harmless civilians, convincing them to just up and leave.

Natasha thought she was hearing things at first.



But why would she be hearing Bruce's voice?

"Bruce?" She called uncertainly, getting up.

"Are you alright?"

"Yeah." She breathed a sigh of relief.

"The team is in the city. It's about to light up."

"I don't suppose you found a key lying around somewhere." Natasha said pointedly.

"Yeah, I did." Bruce backed up. Bruce held up a gun and fired at the lock. Natasha pried the door open. She was free.


"Come to confess your sins?" Ultron asked in a gravelly voice. The moment the metal type Nitol touched the ground, Ultron knew his creator had arrived.

"I dunno. How much time you got?"

"More than you." Ultron appeared, towering over Iron Man.

"Ahhhh... have you been juicing? Little vibranium cocktail? Your looking... I don't wanna say 'puffy'." He rambled.

"You're stalling to protect the people."

"Well. That is the mission. Did you forget?"

"I've moved beyond your mission. I'm free."

At his words the ground, right in the centre of the church, collapsed, loose building material flying as a metal contraption rose. Twisting and whirring before snapping open.

"What. You think you were the only one stalling?"

"There's the rest of the vibranium." Friday, the AI who had taken up Jarvis's space in the suit, analysed. "Function, still unclear."

"This is how you end, Tony. This is peace in my time."


Percy had no idea how long he had been here for. The dark pushed in on him on all sides. He could feel himself going crazy. He couldn't see. Nothing covered his eyes, it was just inky blackness.

The dark screamed at him. It suffocated him. Percy's chest rose and fell as he recalled the House of Nyx.

He travelled back.

The monsters clawing for him and Annabeth. The click of their talons on the floor, slowly advancing. He could imagine the warmth of their breath pouring over him.

Horrors worse than nightmares. Percy's mind conjured forth crimson red eyes, peering at him with vicious intent. Thunderous growls echoed in his mind.

Percy yelped and squeezed shut his eyes as he felt something slide across his ankles.

It made no difference.

It isn't real. This isn't real. Wake up, wake up, WAKE UP!

His mind weakened. His walls crumbled.

Somewhere deep within, a lock turned.

Achingly slow.

It creaked and groaned.

It clicked.

A roar of voices attacked his mind. Percy cried out as his mind drowned in the onslaught of rage.

You trapped me.

You left me.

I helped you survive!

You left me here!


The presence once trapped swelled and took over. Percy was pushed back.

His eyes burned. He could see. He could see.

His eyes joined the collection that had flowed only moments before, stealing the darkness.


Really really just want to stop here. I know it's dam short, but I just really want to stop here. Loki's coming soon.

Dedicate to @origamibear for the idea of Ultron trying to recuit Percy.



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