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The next morning, Percy sat at the breakfast bar rolling his eyes. Tony and Bruce (he was slowly learning everyone's names) were having a conversation five stools down and were acting like he couldn't hear them.

"He creeps me out. Why does he have to stay here? I mean, it's my tower. Do I even get a say in this?" Tony rambled, waving his hands about in obvious frustration.

Bruce murmured something under his breath before returning to his book.

Clearly it was a very one sided conversation.

Sadly, this didn't stop Tony at all. "And I mean, what's with being all macho-silent kid, and then three weeks later it's like a flip switched!"

Or a battery died.

This lot were very forgetful. (Actually no, the author is.) They'd promised to interrogate him but that had never happened. Nor had Percy ever gotten the whole backstory thing from Tony. Not that he overly wanted it. Just more details he would be forced to share when HYDRA comes for him, which he had no doubt they would. They couldn't afford to lose their highly expensive lab rat. They wouldn't.

But it didn't stop him from dreading that time. But that's how life works. You get into some screwed up stuff and make enemies. Enemies that don't know how to let go. You meet hunters. Hunters that see you only as an opportunity to boost themselves up. They both chase you until they become one. And unstoppable force with one mutual goal. They'd fight for you until you were backed into a corner, with no place to go. Then both enemies and hunters would sharpen there knives and rattle there chains before tying you down and beating you up.

Sometimes it was better just to lay down and let it happen. Go down without a fight. Then no one but he gets hurt.

But Percy was sick of it. He'd saved the world so many dam times! He'd cared, loved and lost. But few returned it.

Well he'd made up his mind. He wasn't going to lay down and give up. He was finally going to get up and fight. For her. He'd spent so much of his life giving a damn about saving the world and the people. It was time they returned the favour by saving him for once.

Gods. What would se say if she could see me now?

She'd be disgusted.

A loud thunk sounded next to him and Percy could've sworn he jumped five metres out of his skin. His heart pulses with momentary fear.

"What are you thinking so hard about?" It was the redhead.

He rested his forehead on the cool countertop in front of him.

"Holy red Apollo cows don't scare me like that!" He exclaimed, voice hoarse from both fear and lack of use.

She studied him closely for a moment before jotting something down on the notepad in front of her.

"You didn't react like that when I snuck up on you two days ago." The redhead retorted.



He must have been asleep, letting Solider run the show, Percy decided.

"Oh. What do they call you? All I know is your Avenger name and redhead is getting old." Percy inquired. He didn't know where it would get him, or even if she'd answer, but curiosity was taking the reigns for a while. Gods, why would she even want to sit next to him?


"Oh." Came his smart reply.

"We haven't forgotten, you know." Natasha still didn't look at him as she continued jotting stuff down.

Percy blinked. "Forgotten what?"

"About interrogating you. Bruce wants to know what the stitches are and Rogers wants to know where you got the scars from in the first place." He froze. He'd been hoping that they had forgotten.

"That's personal." He muttered.

"I'll bet. But once you tell us it won't be personal, so problem solved."

"I politely decline your invitation to spill all my secrets." He said, not making eye contact. He fidgeted with his hands, feeling nervous all of a sudden.

Next thing he knew her arm was coming flying at his chest. The serums that had been injected into his system kicked into gear and he caught her arm in a tight grip.

"Have a nice day." He said, fed up before leaving.

What was all that about?

It took him a few moments of pondering before he realised two things. One, she had been aiming for the control panel in his chest and two, he was completely and utterly lost.

So there you have it, chapter four. I'm going to try this before pulling out something else of the many many many other books I have in draft.

So again, slowly getting somewhere. Slowly.

The chapters are short I admit, but it means faster updates.

Oh jeez, the things I write at 3:30am. I should probably sleep now 😂.

QUESTION: How many unpublished works do you think I have?

HINT: Think higher than 80 *sheepish grin*

And if someone wants to make me a cover that would be highly appreciated!

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