O N E S H O T ~ H E R E C O M E S T H E F A M I L Y

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O N E  S H O T ~ H E R E  C O M E S  T H E  F A M I L Y- Requested by @myshka3 "How about Loki meeting Percy's father's side of the family?"


He was beginning to feel something was up. Loki felt very aware of the eyes on him as he walked down the street.

It was just little things at first, odd glances from people. It didn't bother him in the beginning, he was used to it after all. But then it got a little excessive.

He spun around to face the blonde girl he'd seen about five times in different places down the same street already. "Just come out already! What do you want with me!?" He yelled, gaining some worried stares from normal citizens.

"Absolutely no tact." The girl muttered slowly as she jotted it down on her notepad. He stared at her like she was crazy. And like any guy with mood swings currently through the roof, he yelled at her.

"I'll give you tact! Who the hell are you and why are you following me!?" He attempted to snatch the pen out of her hand but she easily dodged and continued writing her notes.

"Violent..." she mumbled. Loki gritted his teeth.

He took a deep breath in, and then out. Starting fights when he was presently nurturing another life was not something he should be doing. He asked her again, more calmly this time. "Who are you?"

"Who I am is irrelevant right now, I think the better question here is who are you and are you worthy?" Loki did a double take.


"I'm sorry, I'm not sure I entirely understand what you're asking." What else could he say? He had no idea who she was, he'd never seen her before. "Worthy of what exactly?"

"Not worthy of what, worthy of who." She said, her grey eyes finally meeting his. She bore a stunning resemblance to somebody he'd seen in Percy's memories. He jolted, beginning to understand.

"Athena?" Loki asked, voice raising in surprise.

"That's Lady Athena to you." She huffed.

Loki felt that prickling sensation he got whenever he felt somebody watching him. Given that the Greek Goddess, Athena was standing before him, he figured he was being stalked by gods. He glanced over his shoulder to find a couple lightly making out in the middle of the public. The eerie thing was that the both of them were staring at him. Or at least, the girl was, the guy seemed much more interested in her neck.

Loki began to feel incredibly uncomfortable and self conscious. If he had to guess, he'd assume those two were Aphrodite and Ares. Although wasn't their affair supposed to be a secret? (Which clearly worked because everybody knew about it).

When Loki turned back around to face Athena once more he was startled to find she was gone.

"Not worthy of what. Worthy of who." She'd said. Loki was beginning to get a sinking feeling in his stomach that she was talking about a certain son of Poseidon, although the sinking feeling was quickly replaced with warmth and butterflies like he so often felt when Percy was mentioned or thought about.

Athena was kind enough to leave him a note. Perhaps it told him why Percy's family was essentially stalking him.

Loki was scrawled in cursive letters.

Absolutely no tact,

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