Chapter 16

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Hana's POV

After hours of shopping for new clothes, we headed back to Tao's penthouse after eating with heavy shopping bags on our hands.

I'm stuck inside the other bedroom alone, admiring the new outfits that Tao bought for me, and thinking about what will be my next move. I am also very worried right now, thinking about the guys. They have no idea what's happening right now, they must be very worried since I disappeared last night. Now that I appear as my younger self (that no one really recognizes), I guess I should pretend as if I'm a total stranger. Should I change my name as well?

"Yes!" Tao shouted from the other side of the door. I wonder how far can the distance limit of his mind reading power go, I'm in one corner of this bedroom and he still heard me.

He didn't answer so I assume that he didn't hear me or he understands that I need to talk to myself right now.

I stood in front of the full length mirror. It's still there.. I'm really not used to this old face of mine anymore, it's been years.

So I have to change my name then, what name should I choose?

Hana.. Ha.. Na.. Se.. Hun.. Yu.. Mi.. Lu..

I can't choose! Here's my top 3; Yuna, Mina & Luna.

"Luna!" Tao shouted again. Really why? (I was hoping that he answers my thought. Advantage of his mind reading power, less talking) The door opened and Tao entered the room. "No reason at all.. I just think the name 'Luna' suits you well." he answered.

So I'm Luna now.. 'Hana' will be gone for a while.

How will I make my first appearance as Luna? I want to inform everyone that I'm okay so they wouldn't be worried but I couldn't just appear out of no where.

Wait! Luhan!

I quickly ran towards the door then Tao blocked me from exiting the room. "Where do you think you're going?" he asked.

"I'm going to Luhan's house. He needs to know what's happening." I answered.

"Right now? It's getting dark outside." Both of us looked at the window and we saw that the sun is setting.

"I'll be fine. I can handle myself, I took martial arts back in elementary and high school."

"I know that but aren't you forgetting something? You're appearing as a teenager. You know that this city has a strict curfew for teenagers wandering around." He come he knows that? He looks like a tourist last night, he even joined the tour program then he asked for directions.

He smirked then he raised an eyebrow at me. "You seriously still think I'm new to this city? I thought you knew that I only did that so I can approach you." My eyes widened when I heard that from him. Never mind that. Focus Hana! -- I mean Luna.

"You can go tomorrow. You haven't even planned anything properly yet." he said.

"Who even told you that I'll be wandering around the city? I need to tell Luhan so he can help me. I know that the guys are worried since I disappeared out of no where last night." I emphasized. He rolled his eyes. "May I remind you that you're the one who told me to act fast." I added.

He sighed. "Fine. You better be back in one piece okay?" he ruffled my hair which made me glare at him and try fixing it with my fingers. I nodded then he let me pass to the main door but before I can leave the penthouse, he told me directions to the main exit of the building so I wouldn't get lost while I'm still inside.

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