Chapter 30

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A/N: This probably the longest chapter I've ever wrote. I wanted to divide it into two parts like the last past chapter but it all happened on the same day so I let it just be one long chapter.

Hope you like it! (im not dead btw after almost 2 months of not updating)


March 27, 11am. 9 years ago.

Sehun's POV

I found myself drawing again. It became a habit of mine to doodle or draw things whenever I'm bored or sleepy, I eventually learned how to stop myself sometimes because whenever my seatmate sees it or my teacher, they'll ask me to draw them things as if I'm a real artist or just show my drawing to the entire class. Not that I don't like the exposure, but it's too much attention.

"Sehun-ssi." My senses suddenly woke up when I heard my name being called, in a serious voice. I looked up and saw that everybody was looking at me.

Oh shoot.

I just called for not paying attention again, didn't I?

Even our teacher was staring at me from him desk. But it wasn't him who called me.

"Stand up please." It was Hana, who is now teaching us English, specifically the basics on how to communicate. Knowing the fact that she is from California, our English teacher took advantage of it and lets her teach us instead. "Please repeat my last example." she said and looked at me directly just like a real teacher.

I quickly stood up from my seat, I can feel my fingers fidgeting on their own. She thinks I wasn't listening to her. Dang it, I don't want her to be mad at me.

"Uhmm... your last example?" I asked sheepishly.

"Yes. Can you please repeat my last example?" she repeated.

I turned to Jaewon and he was looking directly at me, maybe he knows what she was saying. "No coaching." Hana said before Jaewon could even give me a clue. I looked back at Hana and she was just looking at me, waiting for me to speak.

"Psst.." I suddenly heard my classmates that were sitting near me. Maybe they'll help me. I look at them, hoping to see the answers that will finally make me sit back down, and saw that they were staring at my notebook that was placed on my desk. My eyes widened when I saw what I drew.


Everything happened so fast, my notebook is not placed on my table anymore. Instead, they kept passing it until it came to Jaewon. Oh yeah! Jaewon! Give it back to me please!

"That's why you weren't paying attention." I heard him say softly as he released a chuckle, I'm very sure I saw him smirking before giving passing the notebook in front. No! Jaewon, you traitor!

I went running towards the front to retrieve my notebook when it kept escaping the row where I was. "Give me my notebook back!" I ordered. I was really running from one corner of each row to the other. I just really want to get my notebook back!

"Class, be quiet!" I heard my teacher exclaimed and everybody stopped making a commotion. He started walking towards the last person who got the notebook, who was me.

"Hand over the notebook, Mr. Oh." he said as he stared at me. I have no choice but to give it to him. My hands started moving slowly to give it to him, when he grabbed it immediately. He started walking back to his desk when he started opening the notebook, starting from the back.

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