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You stood behind a tree watching the boy you called Kacchan beat the crap out of your best friend Midoriya. You felt like a coward for just standing there and not doing anything to stop him.You decided you were going to do something about Kacchan. All there was to be heard was small wipers from Midioriya and then you scream "KACCHAN STOP YOUR HURTING HIM!!","Huh" Kacchan says as he looks over to your frightened figure. "Ooooooh (y/n) has come to help poor defenceless DEKU". "KACCHAN STOP IT YOUR BEING MEAN." You screamed fear evident in your voice. "Me,Mean no way I'm not doing anything wrong I'm doing hero work I'm going to be the best and not you or Deku are going to stop me got it?!?!" And with that Kacchan came over to you with his lackey's following behind him and started punching you in the face and body repeatedly until you couldn't move.

After awhile you could move again you went over to where Midoriya was and helped him get up and you both walked over to his house where his mother asked you what happened and when you two didn't respond she treated your cuts and bruises no more questions asked. After about three hours you said your goodbyes and said thank you to Midoriyas mother then you left.

You went home to a empty apartment because your mother and father died in a horrible car crash. Your aunt, who lived in Canada was giving you money because you couldn't work and she had rented you a apartment so you could live by yourself because you would not let her put you in a orphanage. You grabbed some money out of your room and went out to buy some instant ramen to make for dinner. You walked around the store getting stares and some people would say "why is such a young girl here all alone?" You found the isle for instant food and picked out twenty different  kinds of ramen

You were walking down the isle to go pay you see Katsuki (aka Kacchan) with his mother. He is slightly behind his mother so once his mother passes you,you stick your tongue out at Katsuki and make a bleh sound.He glares at you then runs to catch up with his mother as he does you mumble "Momma's boy" under your breath.

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