Without Him.

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"Hey Mitchell, wanna come over?" You say in a sad tone over the phone. "I'll be there in ten minutes with ice cream and pizza because you said that in your sad voice." He says then hangs up, probably to order the pizza. He's great.

He's at your door in fifteen minutes. "Your late." You say a small chuckle escaping as you open the door wider so he can enter your apartment. "The cashier who sold me the ice cream was really pretty, and you know me, had to stop to flirt with her."
He holds up his phone to show you her phone number with the contact 'Ice cream girl'.

You named her 'ice cream girl.'? You say in a unamused tone. "I didn't get her name." He says laughing and sitting on your couch, placing the ice cream and pizza on the coffee table and turning on the t.v. "So what's up with my girl." He says flipping through channels. "Why is she sad?" He says finding a documentary on Biggie Smalls and Tupac Shakur, and sighing in content.

"She just had a fight win her boyfriend, because he was jealous of her best friend." You say in third person, like he had. You grab the ice cream and throw it in the freezer, then walk back sit on the couch grab a piece of pizza, sitting back on the couch next to him. He wraps an arm around your shoulders. When he tries to console you, you shush him. You love Biggie and Tupac, you really wanna watch this documentary. (Sorry I just finished watching a ton of documentaries on them.)

——•Time Skip To Monday Morning•——
You and Mitchell has gone to your concert over the weekend and it was amazing! (I know some people don't like the kind of music required for this but you went to a concert with a mosh pit and you really got beat up.)

The concert you and Mitchell went to had a mosh pit and you were covered in cuts and bruises. You had two black eyes, and you had to see a doctor over the weekend due to a broken rib. But all in all the concert was badass, and you would definitely go again. Of course Mitchell had it worse, he was groaning in pain and trying to get comfortable on your couch when you had left for school. You felt bad about leaving him but you had to.

You arrived at school and were instantly joined by Kaminari. "Whaddup gurrrl." He said as he skidded to a halt at your side. "Jesus FUCK! What's with you face?!" He asked, as his fingers graze around your eyes.
"I told you guys that me and Mitchell were going to a concert! That concert just so happened to have an insane mosh pit! It was sooooo fun!" You say looking at his unamused face. "What if a villain had recognized you and had used the mosh pit as a cover up for your death!?" He yelled. "Kami... seriously? Where do you come up with this stuff?" You ask chuckling. "And where is Kirishima and Bakugou?"

You ask looking around for the two spiky haired boys. "You and Bakugou got in a fight. And Kirishima decided to stick with him. I decided to stick with YOU." He said a smile on his face. He pointed at you when he yelled 'YOU' making an L shape with his fingers. (I don't know, I thought that would be cute.) "Oh. He told you that..." You say trailing off in thought. "Yeah." "Well anyways! Let's get to class. Aizawa is scary when we're late." He said, cringing at the thought of an angry Aizawa.

The rest of 'Without him' will be posted in a few days. It's been awhile so I thought I should try and get something out. Hopefully two days from now I can get it out. Anyways! It's my Birthday tomorrow, so maybe you'll get a bonus chapter today. Something stupid but cute. OH! And 250,000 reads! Holy shit! You guys are insane! Thank you soooo much!Bye!

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