His mom

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"Wh-WHA?!?Me meet your mom but isn't it a bit early we only started dating a day ago plus I've already met your mom remember as kids". "Yeah...but you haven't seen her in years and this time instead of introducing you as my friend i want to introduce you as my girlfriend". Just as he said that you heard someone walk in the house,then you heard his moms voice call out "I'M HOME!" Hey mom I have someone I want you to meet Katsuki said as he walked out of his room with you following behind. "Oh god did you pick up a stray dog again I told you not to the first ti- Oh hi (y/n)" she said. "Katsuki I already know her she has been your friend since you were little". "Yeah I know mom but she's not my friend anymore". "AHHHHHH IS SHE YOUR GIRLFRIEND OH THATS SO CUTE MY BABY KATSUKI HAS FINALLY GROWN UP,HE IS FINALLY LEAVING THE NEST,FIRST HE GETS INTO U.A HIGH THEN HE GETS A GIRLFRIEND AND A CUTE ONE AT THAT!" . "Mom calm down Katsuki says to his mom". "Fine but (y/n) you just have to stay for dinner we are having curry". You had dinner said you goodbyes and went home.When you got home you sat down on your bed and thought about everything that had just happened. That was so awkward you said out loud!
To Be Continued In Chapter 15

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