Shigaraki Tomura

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You were at the mall shopping for things for the summer training camp out in the woods. You were sticking with Kaminari because Bakugou said he would be there in an hour or two. The two of you had already arranged to do some shopping then go to the movies afterward. You were excited to say the least. You and Kaminari were waiting in line so you could buy the things in your baskets. You had some bug spray a few pairs of shorts and a couple of  T-shirts. Kaminari had basically the same things as you. After purchasing your things you and Kaminari went to get some ice cream.

You were sitting at the fountain in the middle of the mall eating your ice cream and talking about how excited you were for the summer camp. "Hey Kaminari!! I need to talk to you!" You heard a familiar voice shout. You turn around to see Kirishima behind you. "Hey Eijirou!" You say smiling a sweet smile. "Hey Y/n. Sorry but I need to talk to Kaminari for a second. Kaminari come with me." He says taking his arm and dragging him away. "I'll be right back Y/n. Don't miss me to much~" he says and walks away with Kirishima. "Trust me I won't" you yell to him playfully. You hear him laugh but then he's out of sight. You take your phone out of your pocket and text Katsuki while still eating your ice cream. (Bold is him Slanted is you)

Hey where are you?
I'll be there in 20. Sorry I'm so late.
It's fiiiine I've been having fun with Kaminari~
Don't talk like that.
Aww but what do you mean talk like what~
You know what I mean -_-
Fine fine. See you soon. Love you~
I hate you.
No you don't you love me. You tell me everyday.

He read it but didn't reply. How cute~. You put your phone back in your pocket. You look up to see a man in a black hoodie. "Um...can I help you?" You ask. The man looks at you and you immediately recognize him. Shigaraki. (Ok I know now that I forgot to make a chapter on that ark but just pretend. Sorry.) "yes actually you can. By staying quiet unless I ask you a question." He puts four of his fingers on your neck and sits down next to you. "Don't struggle or fight me in any way. Of course if you do, then I will connect this last finger. You'll be dead within seconds." He said his voice sounding creepier then the first time he spoke. "You wouldn't. Not with all these witnesses around. A hero would show up and stop in no time." You said trying to sound confident but really you were terrified. "Yeah well I know that but I could 20,30 people before a pro showed up and stopped me~" his voice getting darker the more he spoke.You looked into his crazed eyes for a second before looking down at the ice cream cone in your hand. "Ok. Let's talk." You say, still staring at you ice cream. To scared to look at him.

"Well let's start with the hero killer. Why do people like him so much! I don't get it I released three nomu's on the city and he still gets recognition! I don't get it! What do you think the difference is between us?" He asks. This guy is talking like I'm his best friend! But I know if I don't answer or give him a stupid answer he'll have a fit and start hurting people. "Well maybe it's because he had morals. A purpose for what he did. He didn't just go around killing people and destroying things for the fun of it. Unlike you. Don't get me wrong here, what he did was wrong but I kind of have some respect for him. All he wanted was for people who he thought didn't act like true hero's not to be called hero's and his way of getting that to happen was to kill 'false' hero's. He and most people -myself included- have one thing in common. We both have a respect for true hero's, like All Might." You say looking him dead in the eye. That crazed look still in his eyes. "I get it...I get's All Might. It's all All Mights fault." He says sounds like a crazy person. "Thanks for this little talk. It really cleared some stuff up for me. Be careful Y/n L/n, next time I see you... I might just have to kill you." He said taking his fingers off of your neck, standing up and walking away.

You sat still for a second, breathing heavily, scared to death of the situation you were just in. Suddenly you hear Katsuki. You drop your ice cream cone on the group and run to him, wrapping your arms around his neck and burying your face in his chest. "Huh?
Y/n? What's wrong?" He asks, concern evident in his voice. "He came and talked to me." You said, you words muffled on account of you speaking into his chest. "Who? Who came and talked you?" He asked. "Shigaraki"

Oh my god!! It's so nice to be writing this story again and with season three out I have so much more to write about!! I'm gonna try to write more. But I hope you enjoyed this chapter!!

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