First Fight.

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You were walking through the hallway with Kirishima, Kaminari and Bakugou, talking about random stuff, basically whatever came to mind, when the topic of weekend plans came up. Now you didn't know this, but this conversation would be the start of the worst week of your life as you knew it.

"So, what are you guys doing all weekend? I'm going to train with Tetsutetsu." Kirishima asked and you just knew they weren't going to 'go train'. They were going to go to the gym and harass girls. Of course most girls loved it when Kirishima hit on them... it was not the same for Tetsutetsu.
"I'm gonna do the same as you bud, hit on chicks." Kaminari says, winking at a pretty girl walking down the hall, who blushes and walks a little faster, quickly disappearing into crowd.

You glance towards the window on your left, looking down towards the gates to see a small blonde boy waiting, of course he only looks small because he's so far away, but really he's got a good five inches on you.  "Y/n!" You snap out of your little trance to see the guys looking back at you, the hallway is slightly emptier, so you're not being pushed around by annoying teenagers trying to reach 'freedom'.

"Yes?" You say, as if you had been listening the whole time. "We were just asking what you and Bakugou are doing this weekend. He didn't answer." Kirishima explained. "I didn't think we should ask, maybe you two are planning on doing bad things."
Kaminari said whispering the "bad things" part, as if talking about black magic.

"Oh! Actually Katsuki, I forgot to tell you, I have plans this weekend so I can't hang out. Sorry." You say, kinda sorry, kinda not. You don't have to tell him everything, it's your life. "You have plans? With who?" He asks in disbelief. What does he mean by that! I have other friends! My whole world doesn't revolve around him!

"With a friend. He was my next door neighbour for a few years, but then he moved to London and he came here for a concert. We're going together." You said. "Your friends a guy, why didn't I know about him before? What's his name? You've never had feelings for him before, right? What does he look like?" Katsuki stammered, trying to get a thousand questions out all at one time. "Jesus, Katsuki chill. He's just a friend, nothing more. His name is Mitchell and he's just outside, you can meet him in a second." You said, chuckling at how jealous he got about you hanging out with a guy he didn't know.

The four of you walked outside to see an attractive blonde boy in a light blue shirt with a dark blue blazer over top, waiting at the gates. He looks around, obviously waiting for someone. When his eyes meet yours his face lights up and he waves, but he doesn't enter the school grounds, he knows he's not allowed.

You silently command the three boys to follow you. A smile makes its way to your face as you get ever closer to the very energetic boy, who's almost bouncing with excitement. "Mitchell!" You yell.
"Y/n!" The boy yells back in a very similar tone. He wraps you in a tight embrace as soon as you are in arms reach. You pull away, give him a small smile and gesture towards the three boys, standing behind you. "Mitchell, this is Katsuki, Kirishima and Kaminari. Guys this is Mitchell." You look over to Katsuki and see a look of...distaste? No no that can't be it, they just met, Mitchell and Katsuki have to get along, my boyfriend and my best friend, they have to get along. And anyways, Mitchell can get along with anyone.
-Time Skip.-
"I don't like him." Katsuki says when you to arrive at your apartment. "What do you mean, Mitchell's great." You say putting your bag down on the lazy boy chair in your living room. "Well I don't like him, he touch's you to much and to comfortably." He says sitting down on your couch and turning on your T.V just to get back up again to turn on your (favourite console, mines Nintendo 64, what's yours?)

"Well your going to have to get used to him, he's my best friend." You say sitting down next to him and grabbing two controllers of the table. "Or you could just not hang out with him anymore. Skip the concert and hang out with me." He says casually.
"How" You respond, more venom coming out then you had hoped for. "What?" He said, as if he was expecting you to do as he said.

"I'm not canceling my plans with my friends, because you don't like them." You said, growing angrier by the second. "Why the fuck not?!" He yells, his face is red and you can tell this isn't going to end well, but at this point you don't care. "What did you want me to be all 'yes master whatever you say'"
"That's not what I'm saying." "THAT'S EXACTLY WHAT YOU'RE SAYING! I don't care what you have to say about it, I'm not canceling my plans, and I'm not going to stop being friends with Mitchell, no matter what you say."

There's a look in your eye when you say that, a serious and angry look, that makes him realize what's he doing his wrong, but at the same time he thinks, the way you are right now, is the most attractive you've ever been to him. "Now please, go Katsuki, I can't look at you right now." You say, clearly trying to calm yourself down. "Ok." He says, not even trying to put up a fight. He's knows now what he did was wrong and that it was just his jealousy talking, but right now is not the time to solve the problem.

To be continued...
Mitchell this new cute guy, is actually a character from a show called bad education, I really like him and want to make him a major character. He is played by Charlie Wernham, so look him up if you want to see what I had in mind for his character to look like. Also I wanted to add Henry and Carl from the walking dead at some point, should I? Anyways comment you thoughts. Thank you.
Word count: 998

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