Jealous Bakugou

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When you got into class you sat down at your desk. Bakugou said he had something to do or was else he would have sat with you but before he walked to his desk he kissed your forehead. You sat down at your desk and pulled out a book but before you could even read one word Todoroki came out of nowhere and said "Hey"

"Hey Shoto!" You replied. You had a normal conversation with Shoto but the one thing that bothered you was the all you could hear other the Shoto was your angry boyfriend growling at Shoto and you could feel him glaring daggers at the two of you. "KATSUKI CAN U STOP!?!" You yelled towards you boyfriend. He paused for a second then went back to work still shocked that you yelled at him. "Sorry about that Shoto Katsu can be really annoying sometimes.

So what were you saying?" You said to Shoto. "Uhhh I was asking you if you could help me study today. My English class is really hard and I heard you amazing at English! which wouldn't be surprising cuz your amazing at everything" he mumbles the last part so you couldn't hear. "Sure Shoto I'd be happy to help!" You said. After that he sat back down at his desk. Now you might not have heard what he mumbled but Katsuki did and even tho he knew what Todoroki had said was right he didn't like it not one bit.

-/-/-/-BAKUGOU'S POV!-/-/-/-

Why did I care that Todoroki complemented MY girlfriend. Everyone knows she's mine and she told me she's mine. I'm just being irrational Y/n would never cheat on me and Todoroki knows she's mine. Maybe I should give her something...To show everyone she's mine. I GOT IT!  I walked up to Y/n and grabbed her hand pulling her over to a hallway where no one could see us.  She was about to ask me something but before she could I smashed my lips onto her's and kissed her. 

She kissed back almost immediately.  After a while I pulled away but then stared to kiss down her jawline which made her moan quietly.  I finally found her soft spot and I bit down on it and not lightly this time I bit hard.  She moaned again louder but not loud enough for anyone else to hear. I started to suck on her soft spot and once I was done I licked it. "There!" I thought "That should be enough..." I thought as I moved to look at what I had done. I saw a GAINT hickey where I had just been. "I think thats good enough..." I thought.

To Be Continued In Chapter 21!

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