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I got my lunch and went back to the place I told  (Y/N) to meet me. When I got there she was already there. I sat down in front of her putting my tray of food infront of me. I looked at her food and noticed it was all sweet food. (sorry if u don't like sweets) I knew she liked sweets but that much. I went to grab my food but before I could (y/n) got up and sat down in my lap.I felt my face heat up with every passing second.

She turned her head so her could look at me. She then turned completely so her whole body was facing mine and damn was she cute! I couldn't help myself I smashed my lips against hers pushing my tongue in her mouth. I could tell she wasn't expecting it because it took a few seconds to kiss back. After a while we separated. I was curious about what was going on with us so I asked her.

So what are we...I mean like are we together or are we... I let my sentence trail off.She looked at me and said "well I really like you Katsuki but if you don't feel the same way then-" I cut her off by kissing her again this time longer and more passionate. When we broke apart I said "I love and you are the world to me"  She wrapped her arms around my neck placing her forehead on my chest. I saw her exposed neck and again I couldn't help myself. I bit down where I knew her soft spot was lightly enough to not hurt her but hard enough to make her moan. I started to suck where I had bit and when I pulled away I licked where I had bit to make sure it didn't hurt her.

I looked at hickey I had just made on her skin and smirked. I told her that now everyone would know that she's mine.She looked at me and said "Are we gonna tell everyone or let them find out on their own or keep it a secret."Everyone needs to know that you belong to me I said staring straight into her eyes those big (e/c) eyes of hers.
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Time skip to your match against TetsuTestu brought to you by....Bakugou because he's Bakugou and Bakugou is Bakugou and Bakugou is amazing because Bakugou!!! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
It was time for your match and as soon as president mic started the battle you stopped time and moved Tetsutestsu out of the battle area then restarted time.  AND WOW (Y/N) HAS ALREADY WON THE MATCH IN WHAT MAY BE A WORLD RECORD TIME!

After the match you went up to the stands and sat next to Eijirou because you couldn't find Katsuki. You were in the middle of a conversation with Eijirou when Katsuki came over picked you up sat down and placed you on his lap. You blushed immensely while Eijirou screamed asking about what was going on. You were going to explain but before you could Katsuki pointed to the hickey on your neck and said "she's mine."
To Be Continued In Part 12...

Hey I just wanna say sorry that the last few parts have been short.I will be making them bigger because they've only been 250-350 words lately.This one hasn't gone up that much because there's only 576 words so I will be making them longer and I hope your enjoying the story so far.Bye.

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