Without him pt.2

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You walk into class and Kaminari just behind you, both of you out of breath from running through the halls to make sure you would avoid an angry Aizawa.
You walk into class and take your seat. You look over expecting to see an angry Bakugou, but the look on his face was one you've never seen before, a look of remorse. You frown a bit and turn to the front of the class.

After class, you and Kaminari walk to the cafeteria joking and laughing like idiots, making those around you question your sanity. You get your lunch and sit down, Kirishima and Bakugou walk in and grab their food. Eijiro goes to sit down at a different table when Bakugou hands him his food and walks over to you, grabbing your arm and pulling you out to the hallway. "Katsuki, what are you doing?" You ask as he pulls you to a deserted part of the hall. He pins you to the wall and presses his lips to yours.
You squeal before kissing back. It was short and sweet, but you knew what it meant. It was his way of saying sorry.

"Your friend. Mitchell. He's alright," he says averting his eyes. "Your not still mad at me, right?" He says looking back to you with pink dusting his cheeks.
"No. I love you idiot." You say, taking his hand in your and walking back into the cafeteria.

So I'm so sorry to be doing this yet again, but I'm so bored with this story and I can't focus long enough to actually put out anything of quality, hense why this part sucked so bad. So I'm discontinuing this story. I'm sorry. Thank you all so much for reading and supporting me so much up to this part. I love you guys so much. I hope you enjoyed this story. Bye.


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