Katsuki Bakugou

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The cavalry battle was over and thanks to Katsuki your team had snagged 1st place. Midoriya and Uraraka cheered as Tokoyami walked away. You congratulated your team and walked over to Bakugou. "Hey Uhhhh Katsuki... " You said. "Yea" he turned over to look at you as he spoke. "Uh I just wanted to say thanks for the help."

He asked if he could talk to you in private and you said yes. He then pulled you by your wrist over to an area where no one could see the two of you. Just before he could say anything you quickly wrapped your arms around his neck and placed your lips on his. You weren't expecting it but he kissed back. He pinned you to the wall still not breaking the kiss. He bit your bottom lip,you opened your mouth knowing what he wanted.

His tongue "explored" your mouth as your did the same to his.The two of you then fought for dominance and he quickly and easily over powered you. The two of you finally separated [cuz ya know oxygen] he looked at you his hands still pinning you to the wall and your arms still around his neck. "We CAN'T tell anyone about this" the two of you said in unison. You then kissed him again before you had to go to lunch. You walked away but before you could leave he asked you to meet him there again and eat with him.
I asked her to eat with me. Really I just wanted to be alone with her. I wanted to talk about what had just happened. I can't believe that just happened. Yeah I love her and all but she kissed me and I didnt even say anything about liking her. I just want her to be happy. I want her to know she's loved. I want her to know that she's really important to someone and that someone is me.
To Be Continued In Part 11

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