Jealous Bakugou (pt2)

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Sorry but before I start there was something forgot to say last chapter! When Bakugou pulled Y/n out of the classroom it was lunch time. Sorry it just didn't make sense that he pulled you out of class in the middle of class.🍱.
You walked to your normal spot in the cafeteria and sat next to Kirishima because Katsuki wasn't there yet. You started talked but not long into the conversation Kirishima pointed out the huge hickey your boyfriend had made minutes earlier. "Did Bakugou do that when he pulled you out of class" he said still shoveling food in his mouth.

"Y-yeah" you said. You talked to Kirishima until Kaminari sat down at his usual spot he then took a drink but spat it all out when he noticed the hickey on your neck. Just when you were about to tell him Kirishima started yelling at him. You didn't know why until you looked at Kirishima and saw all of Kaminaris drink on him. You laughed along with Kaminari at the pissed off Kirishima. Not long after that Bakugou came and sat down in front of you. He didn't say anything he just sat there silently eating his lunch.

After a bit of looking at Bakugou confused as to why he didn't say anything you went back to talking with Kaminari and Kirishima. You saw Kaninari smirk a devilish smirk and look at Bakugou. You knew what was about to happen. "Soooooo Bakugou I see you couldn't keep your hands off Y/n here. But I guess if she were mine I couldn't either~" Kaminari said still smirking. "Oh no what have you done Kaminari" you thought. Then a certain 'individual' came over and when you saw him you knew things were about to get ten times worse "Hey momona" you said very annoyed at the fact that you knew your boyfriend was going to kill someone in a minute.

And then the worst part of all of this was... Todoroki came over and sat down next to you. Now you didn't think this would be a bad thing but then you remembered your jealous boyfriend would kill just about any guy around you other then Kaminari and Kirishima. "Run Shoto" you said quietly to him. "Why?" He responded back. "If you don't want to die run" her ran from the table knowing full well of Bakugou saw him he'd be dead. Katsuki was still screaming at Momoma so you just went baxk to talking with Kirishima and Kaminari. "He's insane" you thought looking at Katsuki.

To Be Continued In Chapter 22

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