His room

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~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Time skip to the end of the sports festival brought to you by...Bakugou being restrained at the award ceremony!                                                ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
The sports festival had ended and you were back in class. Mr.Aizawa had just told the class that they had two days off school to recover from the festival. He said that most if not all students of our class would be recruited by pro hero's to be their side kicks. The bell rung signaling that it was time to leave. You got your stuff and went over to Todoroki to congratulate him on getting second place but before you could even reach him Katsuki had picked you up bridal style and was carrying you down the hallway.
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-------------------------------------------------------She screamed at me to put her down as I carried her down the hallway. Of course I didn't because I didn't want to but still. I walked all the way to my house with her screaming at me to put her down. She started flailing around by the time we were halfway there so it was really hard to keep my grip. We finally got to my house and I carried her to my room and threw her on my bed
Here comes the kinky Shit
Ha u wish Jk Lol I don't do lemon.
You asked (more like screamed) what was
going on. He didn't answer but instead laid down next to you as you buried your face in his chest. Even though it was only 3:30 you fell asleep.
You woke up around 5:25 and looked around Katsuki's room. It was a mess,cloths everywhere papers all over his desk and dresser drawers full of unfolded cloths. You decided to clean up his room for him to surprise him when he woke up. After two hours of cleaning you were finally done and as if on que Katsuki woke up to see you standing above him and a clean environment around him. He was so happy that his room was clean he pulled you to him and kissed you. "(Y/n)" he said."Yeah" u said. "I want you to meet my mother."

To Be Continued In Part 14

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