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Anna POV

Annika was already waiting with a cab by the time Alyss and I reached the front door.

"Where to?" The cabbie asked.

"Saint Bartholomew's Hospital," Alyss said. The cabbie nodded pulling off from the curb.

Annika's phone rang. She ignored the call twice, then finally answering on the third.

"Hello Mycroft," She sighed. "Yes we are back in London. For good this time."

"Put it on triple," I said. Annika nodded then pressed a button that transmitted the call to mine and Alyss' phones.

"Annika I understand your mother is dead," Mycroft stated. "But your father is in no condition to raise children."

"We are not children Mycroft," Annika growled.

"Yes you are. We will be putting you into a foster home."

"Not without our father's permission," Alyss hissed.

"Hello Alyss, Anna I'm sure you're listening too."

"I am," I spat. "And there is no way Sherlock would give us up. We are far too valuable."

With that we hung up. The cabbie gave us a smile as I paid for the ride.

The front desk lady wouldn't let us through.

"I'm sorry but the morgue is off limits," She said. "Especially to young children."

"We are here to see Molly," I growled.

"We aren't leaving until we see Molly Hooper," Alyss grumbled.

"And that's that," Annika smirked.

"Fine," The lady sighed. "Molly Hooper, front desk. You have some visitors," She said into a pager.

Soon enough Molly appeared at the door. Her face was groggy with her white lab coat and hair pulled back in a messy pony. Her eyes lit at the sight of us, as ours did at the sight of her.

"Girls," She smiled opening her arms for a hug. "What are you doing here? Where's Sherlock?"

"John wouldn't let us help on their case so Sherlock sent us here to help you," I said.

"I don't see why not. Come on," She lead us into the morgue.

Have you ever seen a place so beautiful, yet hideous? So fascinating, yet disturbing? So fun, yet tragic? There were three body bags there that day. A man, a young girl, and Emma.

Our mother's cold dead body laid there. Her deformed body. The only part that still looked natural was her pale face. Her hair still that chalky pastel blonde. Her back was twisted out of place and the hair soaked with blood. Her high cheekbones all color drained. Her lip stick from that night stained to her lips and and her eye shadow still dark. She looked peaceful. To peaceful. Though none of us three really care, or feel, I wanted to yell at her to get up, not to quit just like she always told us, but at the same time she deserved it. She was a great mother, don't get me wrong on that, just a bit...abusive.

Molly smiled sadly, "Sorry about your mother."

I shrugged, "It's fine. It happens."

"More and more like your father every time I see you," She paused. "Where were you for so long?"

"Germany. We came back to England a month ago," Annika stated. "It's our first day back in London, and we are here to stay."

Molly chuckled. Her face hardened as a man walked through the door.

"Who are they?" The man asked.

"Greg...I," Molly stuttered.

"Greg? Lestrade?" Alyss questioned.

The man nodded, "How did you..."

"Easy," I said. "We hear about you all the time. But I thought it was Graham."

"No, Grant I think. I must say even our skills are far superior to yours," Annika sneered.

"Annika be polite," Molly scolded.

"Sorry Detective," She apologized, cursing under her breath. "So what are you here for?"

"An autopsy," Greg said cautiously. "You three look familiar."

"You might say that Detective," Alyss smiled. "Everyone does."

Greg's eyes didn't leave us as Molly handed him the autopsy report. I smiled innocently. His brow furrowed trying to pinpoint why we were so familiar.

"Well Molly, we best be off," I said.

"If you must," Molly sighed. "Tell your father hi for me."

"Will do," Annika smiled.


So what do you think of the triplets? Any ideas? I needs ideas!


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