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Alyss POV

Sherlock paused. He was obviously looking for an easy way out.

"We are," Annika started. We are who? "We are." She repeated. Who?

"We are interns," I said.

"Bit young aren't you?" Greg questioned. "Since when did you have interns?" He turned to face Sherlock.

Again Sherlock paused. He wasn't going to say was he? I found myself holding my breath. Sherlock isn't...he knows not to trust the police. He taught us that himself. Greg was no exception, even if he is one of few that can be tolerated.

"Since two years ago," The consulting detective stated flatly. "Wasn't aloud to go to John for help. Had to find some other outside opinion."

"How old are they?" Lestrade asked, discussed that Sherlock would put girls our age to work.

"Standing right here you know," Anna huffed. "We can hear you."

I rolled my eyes. We were just fourteen year-old girls. Who would care for us. It was apparent Greg didn't. His glare in my direction said so. The DI was flustered, probably thinking who in their right mind would have interns this young? But let's face the facts. Sherlock's mind is so beyond an average human capacity that it's beyond his right mind. Sociopath. That's our father. Would it be wrong to be proud of that? Cause I know for a fact that the three of us couldn't be more proud to have a father like him. Despite what Uncle Mycroft thinks of him. We couldn't have a better role-model than the great Sherlock Holmes.

I could see Annika completely ignoring the DI. When he walked past her she completely zoned in on her gun. Greg waved his hand by her face. No movement except by the twisting of a screwdriver in her right hand. While Greg and Sherlock talked quietly I could see my sister giving him a slight uncomfort. She hadn't spoken much only asking for someone to hand her something next to her a time or two. Finally after about an hour Annika stood up.

"Alyss," She tossed me the gun. "Throw it to me."

I laughed. Her gun test. It was always fun. Anna whined beside me because she wasn't picked for the test. "Over or under?"

A sneaky almost evil smile crept onto her lips. "Corkscrew," My sister was crazy. But who am I to judge that? Last corkscrew ended with a trip to the emergency room...for the guy who just happened to be walking by. "It will be fine I promise."

Anna shrugged, "Alyss if you don't I will."

"Fine," Anna cheered beside me and Annika got into place.

At first I didn't believe I agreed. I wound up and threw the gun. Annika had disappeared from sight and came flying in from the kitchen sink. She grabbed the gun locked and loaded, all this still in the air. She landed feet first on the table and hopped off as John entered the flat with a woman. He gave Sherlock a look then glared at Annika.

"Two hours Sherlock, not two hours without you destroying something in the flat," John seemed mad. That anger shouldn't have been put towards our father but rather us. We were the ones being reckless fools with guns.

I hadn't noticed the DI had taken the weapon from Annika. They were at the moment having a death stare with one another.


"Greg! The name is not that hard," He shouted. "What Sherlock?"

"I'll be by later this afternoon."

The poor woman John had brought home. I wondered what thoughts must be coursing through her brain. She didn't look too fazed by what was going on, but she seemed confused on why my sisters and I were there. So she's long term. Ring. Very long term. Recent by the shine, one band. John was engaged to this woman, recently. Spring wedding planned. She would insist on the three of us being in it I'm sure. I wouldn't mind, I don't think Anna would either, but Annika...we might have a problem there. She will barely ever wear what she had on today. Yeah, she would refuse a dress. I looked over the girl again. Bright yellow and lilac. Well I knew enough about her...Mary...time to introduce myself. My sisters too.

"We haven't met before," Annika stated. "Annika, hi. Nice to meet you Mary."

"Alyss," I smiled. "Spring wedding, cool."

"Anna," Anna stated. "Good luck getting that one in a dress but we'd be happy too, that is if he's in it as well." She pointed to Annika, then to Sherlock.

"Oh my God," Mary gasped. "You weren't kidding. Exactly like him."

"Yes that's us," Anna laughed. "Now that DI took the gun with him, Annika."

The eldest of us grumbled and flopped herself on the couch. Her phone buzzed. Probably Mycroft again. Annika looked John over. "You haven't asked him yet?" She cocked her head to the side. "Better do it soon. I got a feeling we are going to be too busy before too long." With that my sister walked out the door without another word. I saw her dig out her phone and quickly type something back. It buzzed again.

"Excuse me," I sighed following Annika out. I was too late, the girl had already slammed the door behind her, if she didn't want to be found she wouldn't be found. I scrambled back into the room. John and Mary were talking with Sherlock. I gave Anna a look. Her worried eyes matched my own.

What was Annika hiding?


Who do you think was texting Annika? Where is she going? And along with Alyss' thoughts what is she hiding? Lemme know what you think in the comments!


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