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Annika POV

It was my day to chose the activities for the day. The first thing was to go shooting. Emma used to take me to the nearest shooting range and let me shoot for a while so I wouldn't murder my sisters when they were pulling in my nerves. The nearest range was just under a half hour away.

Once at the range my sisters, Sherlock and I pulled out our pistols. Mine was an American made gun. A Colt 1911 A1 .45 caliber, with a seven round magazine. It was nickel plated with ivory handles. I had owned this semi-automatic for almost five years now, received it for my tenth birthday from my mother when we spent that year in America. Believe me it was a pain to get across borders. Alyss and Anna both owned black Lancaster pistols and Sherlock had his British Army L9A1, which did actually belong to John.

Each of us got a stall and loaded our pistols. Each target set before me seemed too easy until about my twenty-fifth shot when the moving targets' speed increased to a maximum. I growled for not making the easy shots that I should've been able to hit. When I was about ready to quit I heard a familiar snicker from not too far behind me.

"Aryanna what an unexpected surprise," I hissed.

"Oh Annika darling," She smiled in sheer pleasure of disrupting my next round of bullets. "You don't sound to happy too have me here."

I rolled my eyes. "Who is the man with you?" I gestured with my eyes to the average height man standing a bit too protectively over Aryanna.

"Oh Seb?" She giggled. "He does work for my adoptive father," Her eyes flashed with danger and a testing pleasure crept into her already devil lined smile. "I'm sure you've met him, but enough about me. Haven't you noticed your shadow?"

"Shadow?" I asked, reaching back for my next bullet only to look up and find that the red-headed Irish schoolgirl had pulled a disappearing act. "Dammit," I hissed, angrily shooting at the next target.

Who the hell did she think she was? And who is her father. This Seb she had with her, where had I seen him before? Well, I sure had some research to do tonight.

Before too long my father and my sisters were waiting for me to bed one with my last round so we could get back to the flat. I figured I wouldn't tell them about my little chat with Aryanna until after I found out what she meant by my shadow. Until then the fact that Aryanna had ever been in contact with me after we met at Buckingham palace would remain a secret as it had before. That is if no one notices anything strange happening.


Back at the flat we were mostly quiet. My sisters and I went to pack up our things and do something of our choice for an hour before we met John and Mary for lunch, not that I expect any of us to eat besides John and Mary themselves, which is why I wonder why they would have even invited us for lunch, but Alyss convinced me that since her, Anna, and I were still growing we needed to give our body sustenance. Which was true and of course we didn't want to be unhealthy ever as none of us three had ever been sick, not even a common cold.

I had started my research on this Seb guy that Aryanna had introduced me to. No matter what I searched I could not find anything on him. Though all I knew on how to search him was Seb. Sebastian would be an adequate full first name but I did not know his last name. I knew I had seen him somewhere before but I wasn't sure where.

"Annika, John and Mary are here with the cab," Anna said.

I sighed shutting my lap top. Not how I expected to spend the end of my planned day with my father and sisters but it's better than playing board games with each of us know each others next move.

John greeted me first when I sat in the cab. Sherlock and my sisters were right behind us in another cab.

At the restaurant, didn't bother catching the name, it was more awkward silence. John and Mary each ordered the special which that night was a shrimp scampi. My sisters and I each ordered a salad. Sherlock had nothing. Scratch that, he had a cup of tea.

Mary tried to make conversation, which ended awkwardly each time. Sherlock had to bite his tongue two or three times to restrain from deducing people at other tables. John had scolded him the first time he did it saying, You're worse than the children which did shut him right up. My phone was taken by John saying it was rude to be texting while eating. Sherlock ignored him and my sisters shrugged it off like no big deal. I sighed loudly earning looks from nearby people at the tables next to us.

"I'm going to the restroom," I huffed, pushing myself from the table. Though I had no intent of turning to the restrooms.

Outside the restaurant wasn't much better either. A bunch of smokers huddled together on one side of the parking lot and a dark alleyway wasn't too far to my right. A man came trotting up to me asking if I'd enjoy a smoke. I growled at him which apparently led to the fear of all five to ten of the men and women smoking in the pack. I swear I saw the whole lot of them move a couple inches further away from me.

I jumped when a firm hand rested on my shoulder. Sherlock smiled pleased he could still sneak up behind me. He was the only one who could. "Figured you were out here," I rolled my eyes. "Wrong turn."

We stood in silence for a good five minutes before I spoke up again. "Is there anyway to counteract the document?"

"I'm afraid unless the jury changes it's choice or Mycroft revokes his plea against you living with me I'm afraid not."


"Language, Annika," My father reminded me with a calm tone as everyone else came out with the cabs waiting.

This time John and Mary went home on their own and in the second cab Sherlock sat in the front with my sisters and I were in the back.

Back at the flat it was quarter to midnight. Everyone retired to their rooms and fell asleep quickly.


Ok I think this chapter is a bit longer so you are welcome. I am so excited my story is at 1k reads! Can you believe it? I knew my stories were okay but seriously that many people have read my story! I feel famous! Thank you guys so so so sooooooo much!!! You guys have made my story possible! That's why I keep writing! So thank you! And again if you wish to make a character or if you have made one but it's not in the story yet don't worry they will appear in the book, don't worry I just won't really need any characters for a bit bug I promise they will soon. And I need more guy characters please, you don't have to, just a suggestion. Also I'm going to take a break because I need to write some more chapters so I'm sorry please don't be mad, but I will be back September 2nd with the next chapter.


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