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Anna POV

Annika used to run off like this a lot, but after mum died we made a pact to stick together. She wasn't one to break a promise.

Alyss was pacing in the empty bedroom of the flat. It used to be John's from what was left there. I sat on the bed and lie on my back staring up at the ceiling. On one hand Annika would trust us with anything, she never breaks a promise. On the other she had trust issues and was very secretive. There was only one way to find out. To find her.

The footsteps in the room stopped. I looked up Alyss was no longer pacing but she was sitting motionless in a chair. Her hands pressed to her lips and eyes focused in deep concentration. She was in her mind palace.

After about a half hour of silence between us Alyss spoke up. "How many contacts does Annika have?"
"I'm not sure," I sighed. "Around ten?"

"Let's list who we know of on her contact list."

I nodded, "You and I."




"Our grandparents."

"Molly." I said. Who else? I know there has to be more.

"She for sure has the police, though she's never calls," Alyss said thoughtfully. "Can you think of any more?"

I shook my head. I had only gone through her contacts this morning before we arrived here. Stupid of me not to memorize the list. She probably had mine memorized. "The only way to find out is to find her."

Alyss grumbled knowing I was right. This would not be an easy task. Annika is pretty much invisible if she wishes to be. Though that's not physically possible, she can just hide well. Really well.

"We are going out," Alyss shouted.
I saw John was going to protest while Sherlock wave us off. "I have yours and Mary's numbers," I smiled. "We'll call if there's trouble."

As I walked out the door Alyss mumbled, "Highly unlikely."

"Any better ideas to get them not to argue?"


We closed the door behind us and rushed into the streets of London. It was about five o'clock, rush hour was starting. No use in trying to hail a cab. We had to travel on foot. London is a busy town. We stopped in the park for a moment to think. What could be useful in finding her? Sherlock said something about his homeless network...I had a twenty on me.

"Alyss, we need to find part of the homeless network," I said. "They are all over the city and will have likely seen her."

"What do we say, we can't just waltz up and be like 'Hey, we're Sherlock's daughters do us a favor.'" Alyss stated.

I laughed. I knew we couldn't. There was one just outside the park. "Hello," I said.

"Change for the poor?" She asked.

"Change? Change for what?"

"Cuppa tea, some bread."

"I have a message, from Sherlock Holmes," I whispered handing her the money. "The picture's in it."

The homeless woman nodded. I walked off as if nothing had happened. Alyss shrugged as we continued our failing search for our sister. It was almost ten o'clock before any news. The same homeless woman was standing just outside Bart's.
"Inside," She said.

If she was there why wouldn't Molly have said something? Maybe she didn't know Annika was there. I sighed for what seemed to be the hundredth time tonight. The front desk lady was out, so we just let ourselves in. Molly was sitting at a microscope. No one else in the room.

Molly looked up. "Girls you ok?"

"Yeah just looking for Annika," Alyss stammered.

"Haven't seen h-" Molly started to say but then screamed as our sister dropped from the ceiling.

"Get out now," Annika growled.

"Not without you," I said.

Her phone buzzed. "Just go," She said voice shaky. She ran out of the room without another word. Alyss and I chased after her.

Annika kept running until she was out of sight. Her phone had fallen to the ground. It buzzed once more.

I'm waiting -JM


What has Annika gotten herself into? So yeah the next few chapters will be a bit more suspenseful. About her falling from the ceiling, Annika like to climb and do dangerous crap so yeah. The second update today because its Memorial Day. Hope you enjoyed see you next Monday!


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