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Alyss POV

I stared blankly at the screen not fighting when Annika took my phone to read the message. All three of us got the same message, but something was strange. We had messages labels one, two, and four. How got the third messages? Sherlock? Had Moriarty let his presence known to our father?

I believe Annika has met Miss Glock before. -JM

Anna and I both looked to Annika for answers. She shrugged with a look of confusion on her face. "Glock?" She questioned to herself. "I don't believe so."

Jim gave us a location only seconds later.

Noon, where it all went down. Don't be late. Finger's on the dial -JM

Where it all went down? St. Bart's. Sherlock's fall and Jim's blow to the head. Annika nodded and loaded our guns. It was half past eleven and we would have to travel on foot so we had to leave right then.


James was waiting on the roof top with three others. Moran, Aryanna, and another girl. Could she be the Miss Glock that James had referred to in his messages? More than likely. The new girl and Moriarty seemed to have an unspoken bond between the two of them that admitted mostly hate but another emotion or two. Siblings. The tension is quite similar to what my sisters and I have towards each other, just there's less hate between us.

"Annika," James smiled. "Now do you know who Miss Glock is?" He gestured towards the new girl confirming my earlier deductions.

"Tenison," she growled. "My brother here is quite annoying."

"Brother?" Anna questioned.

Tenison nodded and took a gun out of her boot, "Anyways, I don't really want to be here so I'm either leaving or I'm shooting your daughter."

James then pushed Aryanna behinds Sebastian and led his sister out the door. "Excuse us one moment," he hissed.

Aryanna only laughed as James and Tenison stepped aside. Moran kept his eyes pointed directly on us. Annika soon found that he reacted to each of our movements and turned it into a game seeing if she could make it to any other spot on the rooftop. She soon grew bored of it and sat cross-legged in the center of the roof just as Tenison came back followed by an annoyed Jim. Tenison's smug smile showed that she won whatever argument they had. My eyes followed her movements trying to figure out just what she could have done to outsmart James Moriarty.

"Annika how's your arm?" Tenison asked and Aryanna smiled devilishly.

"Just fine no thanks to either of you," My sister spat with a venomous hiss. I smirked knowing that my nimble hands were what bandaged the deep tear together until John was able to stitch it up.

"Now onto business," James said switching into a new mode to where Sebastian knew to take a small step back and Aryanna sat on the ledge and watched her father proudly. "I'm sure none of you know the reasoning behind this meeting of ours. It's Tenison. My darling sister has decided to get in the way of my work. Now before Moran here has been able to restrain her but now she has taken one step to far. She decided to help dear Annika Holmes here."

Anna rolled her eyes and helped Annika to her feet. If only Annika knew when to hold her tongue. She marched up to James and pointed at him accusingly. "Don't you think this is your fault?" He raised his brow skeptically and let her continue. "Everything here and now could have been avoided if you didn't want to meet, and maybe I have some time blame for agreeing that night but you sit pulled the trigger on this damn chain reaction. Now I have had enough of this. See you around spider." She walked away from him and no one in this roof top could've predicted what happened next.

Annika's hard eyes widened at the impact. Anna screamed and I was there to catch her as she fell. Blood started to pour out of her lower left back. The was only one wound so the bullet was still inside of her. I left Annika in the arms of Anna when I stood to face James. He only smiled not realizing I had taken Annika's gun. it only worked just as I planned. I aimed at Jim and Sebastian protectively covered him leaving Aryanna open as my finger pulled the trigger and plunged a bullet into her left lung barely missing her heart.


Oh god. I'm so sorry guys. I'm writing this with tears steaming down my face. ThatArtsyGeek knows because I texted her as I wrote this and I was bawling. She's in a play and now she might cry. Oops, that's not good. Maybe I should've not said anything. Love you Luci. Anyways Don't hate me I'll make it better somehow with the next chapters.


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