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Anna POV

Our last day with Sherlock went by faster than the last two. Mrs. Hudson had us down for breakfast. Far to much too consume for five people, but still she persisted that Sherlock, Annika, Alyss and I join her for a last meal in 221B. She was quite a cook. Belgian waffles, scrambled eggs, bacon strips, and sausage patties. Sherlock picked over his food like a three year old. My sisters and I politely finished one plate and said no to any more.

"Sherlock, you hardly touched your food," Mrs. Hudson fussed.

"Mrs. Hudson the girls only ate it to be polite," Sherlock hissed. "I certainly am not going to poison myself with everything that is in it."

Mrs. Hudson was taken aback by his sudden change in voice. "He's stressed," Alyss covered for him.She shrugged her shoulders and went back into the kitchen. While she didn't have an eye in us, Sherlock slipped the rest of his plate in the garbage.

"Change of subject," Annika started. "What are we doing today."

"I'm glad you asked," I said with a devilish smile. Alyss and Annika leant in closer with eagerness dwelling in their eyes. Sherlock sat with his fingers pressed to his lips, he raised his eyebrows to say oh do tell. "We're gonna hack Mycroft."

Sherlock's eyes lit with amusement. Annika was already coming back to the tables with four laptops in hand. So was my choice on the activities the pick of the three? Seemed so. Annika lent over my shoulder checking where I was at. Naturally I was into Mycroft's system within the first five minutes. I sent the link to the other three so we could torment Uncle Mycroft together. Alyss had an evil smile plastered over her lips that mirrored Annika's Devilish cackle. Sherlock wasn't doing much besides supervising us. He had a proud gleam in his eye that met my eager ones. It wasn't long until a voice sounded and the door slammed.

"Mycroft what a surprise," Sherlock mused as my sisters and I quickly shut down our laptops.

"Yes well it seems the court has given me the rights to take you girls now so if you would be so kind as to get your bags," Mycroft said leaning on his umbrella.

The three of us stayed still. Annika was the first to speak up, "No." Alyss and I crossed our arms in unison and refused to move as four government assistants tried to move us. Sherlock had our bags behind him which we had brought out earlier that morning. "You want us? You'll have to take us kicking and screaming," She hissed once more challenging Mycroft with her hard glare.

Mycroft nodded and more people came to drag us away. Alyss screeched a note I wasn't aware a physical being was capable of reaching. A few people put their hands to their ears others shoulders road up and clenched their teeth together. By now I was sure Mycroft had wished he would have brought the MI6 to take us away rather than the people he did. He left the room with our bags. Sherlock wasn't doing anything to help us although when he did we shook our heads. It was our fight to stay here and we knew we would loose with his help or not, but as Annika would say Let's go down swinging, or in this case we're going down being carried away by four grown men each.

How we didn't attract more attention, I don't know. One thing I did know is that I had never seen Mycroft more thankful than when the three of us were inside his car on our way to our new foster home.

"Wait here," He said. Annika looked at him a presumed to get out of the car, "I mean it." She mimicked his face and rolled her eyes. Alyss bit her lip and pressed her fingertips to her forehead.

I was the only one out of the three if us looking out the window of the car to see the girl who should be taking us in, "Oh bloody hell," I whispered barely loud enough for anyone else to hear. Alyss tapped Annika and they joined me in tumbling out of the car when Mycroft opened the door. "Great."


So some of you know because I sent you a DM if you were correct. So please don't spoil it for anyone else. I will hunt you down. Anyways thank you @Sherlindsey221B for the idea if this chapter and also to @ThatArtsyGeek for some help in deciding things. So I will be posting every Saturday up through the 18th of October. Holiday's in between there I will be posting. Twice like normal. If your wondering why up until them it's because the 20th I start high school dance team for the year so I need to figure that stuff out for like a week or two so I know when I can post. Starting in November I have completions so I'll be gone more. Just an FYI. Thank you guys for understanding.


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