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Anna POV

"Annika?" I said in a trembling voice.

My sister looked up from a bag that she held in her hands. "Anna, Alyss?" She smiled. Molly was laughing by the window. "Look, presents."

Alyss bounded towards her and smiled. We hadn't really gotten presents in almost forever. Though we had never asked for anything because we always were able to buy what we needed through money and favors we received from doing cases for people. Annika smiled as she handed us bags with our names on them. Annika was already wearing the necklace she received from Molly, it was on a silver chain with a small purple gem hanging from it. Alyss and I each received one that matched mine was blue and hers was green. I smiled and thanked Molly who only blushed and tried to hide her face.

"I, I um," Molly started to stutter but forced herself to stop speaking and handed Alyss a note. "This has everything in it."

Confused Alyss opened the letter and began to read aloud, "My dearest daughters, I don't know why I ever gave you up, or why Sherlock married Emma even after I had you." She paused to look at both of our shocked faces, then she continued, "Emma Carter officially adopted the three of you a week after you were born. I am your birth mother. I don't know why I or your father had kept this a secret from you for so long but now that the three of you are fifteen you ought to know. Your real birth certificates are also in the envelope. I wish I was brave enough to tell you in herson but I just couldn't. I'm sorry girls. You must hate your father and I now. I can't blame you, keeping a secret such as this one for so long would cause a lot of damage. I'm sorry. Will you girls ever forgive me? Your mother, Molly Hooper."

I stumbled backwards into a chair and stared blankly at Alyss who silently reread the paper making sure she read all that right. And she had. Molly Hooper was our mother. Annika hadn't moved or said anything, she usually had something to say about everything but not this time. She turned her head to face me, "Well I think I have been in this hospital too long. Anna, Alyss, willl you help me out of here?"

"But the doctors wanted to keep you in here for another week," I protested

"Ah yes," Annika thought about it for a moment. "Nope, I want to get out of here. It's our birthday. Molly is our mother. Alyss is framed for shooting me, I've been shot, and you dear Anna have spoken with a poison tongue towards our uncle Mycroft. I believe those are all things that shouldn't have happened on or for our birthday so let's do something that the three of us will enjoy but we can't do that confined to the space of one hospital room. So help me out of this junk."

Alyss shrugged and started to grab the clothes she brought for Annika, because she of course was expecting this while I started to disconnect the wires in her bed so that she wouldn't set off the nurse alram when she got out of bed. five minutes later the three of us were sitting in the morgue waiting for Molly to get back from her lunch break.

When I heard the door click open we all spun around expecting to see Molly alone.

"Sullivan Locket?"


Mawhahahahahahaha. Cliff hanger! About 10 chapters left give or take 2 or 3 chapters. Sorry I forgot to update yesterday!! Haha Happy birthday again Sherlindsey221B!!


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