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Anna POV

My sisters were already in the car when I arrived inside. Each had told me their stories with rude comments from Mycroft every so often. As irritating as it was I managed to hold my tongue while my sisters struggled to hold theirs. Annika turned after he interrupted her the seventh or eighth time and told him off with a few words I wish not to repeat. It was an excellent reminder on why we don't get on her bad side. If she didn't have us, heck if any of us three didn't have each other or Sherlock we might as well gone on a murder spree under the authority of Mr. James Moriarty himself, or worse we would become the consulting criminal masterminds, our networks would clash with each others and evidently everything would sadly turn for the worse. Annika tries her best to hide her temper, it's not her fault. Our mother, though not many knew this, she was a pure blood German. Annika, and Alyss revived more of the German genes than I did. One of the German qualities Annika revived was her temper. Alyss had one too, even I had one as well, but Annika had a harder time controlling hers. After her outburst at Mycroft, he shut right up, even he knew better than to push Annika further.

I kept an inward laugh to myself as Alyss stared wide eyed before shaking off Annika's harsh words. "Sich verpissen," Annika growled again but this time using her German tongue. I found myself unable to hold in the laughter when Mycroft furrowed his brow. He did know German but apparently he didn't have to deep of a knowledge of the language. Annika sighed.

I knew how she felt but Alyss came to her support before I could move. Annika seemed more irritable since that night in the clock face. I could only hope that Mycroft didn't pick up on any of the signs. Doubtful.

Anthea was sitting next to me. Wasn't her real name I could deduce that but there was no way of finding out the real name behind her lying face. "Where are we headed," I asked her. I could ask my dearest uncle, but that would be a waste of my breath.

She looked at me thoughtfully and bit her lip. "Here," She said. Of course Mycroft probably ordered her not to squeal.

The car slowed to a stop. Of course Mycroft. The Buckingham Palace. It's not every day you get brought to the palace by the queen. Queen Mycroft.

We were led into a commons room where there was another girl already waiting.

"Seems I'm not the only one to run from the law," The girl smiled. Irish.

"You," Annika shouted in wide surprise.


Who is this mysterious girl? What is she here for? How does Annika know her? Sorry guys thought my sisters birthday was tomorrow. It's today. Sorry for the confusion. So the happy part on it is that I'm publishing today! I'll post them both today. Allons-y!


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